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2 min read

Recovery: A Holistic Process

UGM LIFE Recovery is five phases, each comprised of different classes that address recovery holistically – emotionally, spiritually, physically, psychologically. The following, written by two of the ladies in Women’s Recovery at Anna Ogden Hall, provides a picture of what this whole person process looks like, the hard work accomplished and the healing taking place.

By Heather Pollock and Stephanie Lawrence, Women’s Recovery at Anna Ogden Hall        Stephanie-and-Heather2.jpgIt is with wonder that the two of us reflect on the past four months. We are joyous, feeling the awakening of our spirits, soaring in God’s love.

We ask: What if a stranger came alongside of you and revealed such wisdom and truth to you that your heart began to burn with passion? What if these new-found revelations about who you are, what your purpose is, and who created you, had the power to radically change your life and your future? And then, you discover that this kind stranger, who gently spoke to you and lifted you out of despair and degradation, just so happened to be God Himself?

“Her Journey” is a class that focuses on recovery from domestic violence. “Our” journey was that of endurance and determination, learning both the obvious and subtle forms of abuse. We found that we are enough and, in that powerful truth, we learned that wherever we are, whatever we are doing, we are never alone. The Lord is beside us in our darkest valleys and on mountain peaks, guiding us and protecting us.

“Genesis” is a relapse prevention class for addictive and compulsive behaviours. In unraveling our history, we began to figure out why we do what we do. Re-writing false belief systems that have controlled us for so long, we began to blossom, letting go of addictions and compulsions and developing healthy coping mechanisms. And then, every day can truly be a “genesis,” a new beginning.group_counseling.jpgIn “Discovery,” we learned Christianity is not a blind faith…It is intelligent in all that is written. The evidence does not lie, it is compelling in Scripture, the Cross, the Resurrection, and exactly who Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be. He is truly “More Than a Carpenter.”

We embarked on a path to fitness. Honouring God, we learned to care for our temple. We were encouraged to “move it, move it” – and boy can we dance!

In “Redeeming Beauty,” we stepped into our pasts, sifting and sorting the false beliefs about our bodies and the distorted thinking around food. We found there is beauty in imperfection and in God’s love, embracing our true beauty within and our identity in Christ.

We continued to discover Jesus, His love, His ever-present grace. We began to flourish – treating each other with tenderness and compassion. Finding our voice with kindness and love, we truly have grown. Striving to be Christ-like in everything we do. None of this would be possible without Jesus, for He is the greatest teacher, the wisest counselor, and the most faithful friend. He is teaching us the most important lesson in the class we call life; and that is how to love. We are living proof that, “Love never fails.”hug-at-phase-promotion.jpgSo it is with Christ’s strength that we embark on a new path, continuing our transformation, embracing the past, making peace with it so we can soon turn the pages of our ongoing story.

Find out more about our recovery programs here:


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