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1 min read

Representing by Receiving

By Hannah Bogue, UGM Donations Coordinator


As we evaluate the past year and look at what our strengths are as an organization, it becomes strikingly clear that our donors are on the top of the list. We have such a dedicated community of contributors who truly believe in what the Union Gospel Mission is doing. They give not only out of their abundance but often out of what little they have. This is why when Phil challenged us as a staff to think about how to be ambassadors of Christ in our areas, I felt a little overwhelmed. How can I be an ambassador to those who are living out the gospel so well?

How do I show Christ to the rich man who gives and gives and gives? To witness to the lady who had nothing but her car and gave it to UGM Motors in order to help those in need seems a bit presumptuous of me. These people know what it means to be ambassadors of Christ; they live it. So what can I do? How do I show them Christ?

It is a daunting task to be an ambassador of Christ, and when you work in a ministry where you are constantly receiving from others, it seems almost impossible. Christ received anointing oils from the unknown woman in Simon’s house (Mark 14: 3); He graciously sat as she anointed him and gave all that she had. He has set the example for me: I will sit, listen and graciously receive.

When that elderly woman calls and explains to me that she can no longer afford to donate monetarily, so instead she has spent the year sewing blankets for children at our shelters, I will express to her how she is still making a huge impact. I will take the boxes of clothes from the parents whose son committed suicide the week before and assure them that he is making a difference. I will have a conversation with the man who cannot bear to eat alone and so, after putting his wife in a care facility, is donating all his food to the Mission. As they give, I will receive and extend the heart of Christ.


There are all kinds of ways to help the homeless through UGM. The donations of goods, products and services is one. Check the FREE ebook below for more.

download free e-book with 21 ways to help the homeless

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