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Partner Profile: Frank and Barbara Peretti

Frank and Barbara Peretti have a rich, full life. Frank is a New York Times best-selling author. Barbara is a watercolor artist. 

Perettis-2They are both musicians who, together with their friends, T and Lynn, play regularly at senior living centers around the area. Barbara said they love bringing joy with their music – playing a mixture of fun songs from the 50s and 60s, like Glenn Miller and the Andrews Sisters – songs that recall the younger days of their audience.

The band doesn’t always play Christian music, but as Barbara said, “we are Christians taking the light into the world.” Frank and Barbara have committed every aspect of their lives to the Lord, including their finances.

“The ongoing philosophy of life for us as we walk with the Lord is to worship him with all of our increase,” Frank explained, “letting Him move blessing through us – He is our banker.” Barbara interjected: “Sometimes we have more to give. Sometimes we have less.”

From the beginning of their marriage, they’ve been in ongoing conversation with God regarding how they use their time, talent and treasure.

“The Lord says he really cares about the poor. We tithe and we give to the poor,” Frank said. “It’s what we do. It’s who we are. And it is part of our faith.

“Dave Ramsey talks about keeping your palm open. As the Lord blesses you, you don’t grab it and hang onto it. No, you let it pass through, so he can use you as a channel of blessing. When you hear stories of blessing, they almost always happened through somebody else. The Lord put it on somebody’s heart or just brought people together to share.”

That philosophy works whether you’re sharing music or giving to charity.

“One of the disciplines in terms of being generous and giving is you don’t throw your money to the wind. You have to be wise with it and give it where it’s going to be used properly and used well. Union Gospel Mission turned out to be a very nice, reliable, stable organization, doing a good job taking care of the poor.

“It says in the Word of the Lord, those who are blessed, be careful to be generous.”

Frank and Barbara take that admonition seriously, giving generously in a multitude of ways.


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