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Jim and Ken


2 min read

Restoring Dignity: Davenport Hotels Partner with UGM

Establishing A Partnership In 2022, ‪UGM Vocational Advancement Manager Matt Moznette reached out to the Davenport Hotels hoping to establish a...

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6 min read

LC Valley Partners: Coming Together as the Body of Christ

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah...

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2 min read

The True Light of Christmas

“In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overpower it.” (John 1:4-5)...

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UGM financial partners, vehicle donors, thrift store shoppers, volunteers

3 min read

A Thanksgiving Reflection: Our mission, your partnership

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, UGM Development Director Steve Ellisen pauses to reflect on our organizational core value of Thankfulness. His work...

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2 min read

Go and Do Likewise: a heart-to-heart message from Phil Altmeyer

“But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.” (Luke 10:33) Although the paths that brought...

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2 min read

Everybody Has a Story: Meet UGM volunteers Bob and Sharon

As a case manager at the Men's Shelter, Bob McLellan says he’s become a better listener. “I used to be afraid to talk to homeless people on the...

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1 min read

Clean-and-Sober Summer Fun in UGM LIFE Recovery

You’ve heard us say it before: part of Recovery is having fun, sober! Men and women who come to UGM for help breaking self-destructive patterns such...

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3 min read

All About UGM Camp: A free gift to low-income kids

As camp season 2023 enters another fun-filled week, we wanted to take a step back and recognize the phenomenal community achievement that is UGM Camp.

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1 min read

Holistic Recovery Includes Quality Healthcare: A UGM partner feature

Fionnuala Brown and her husband are both experienced medical professionals who’ve committed to serving the Inland Northwest community in a variety of...

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6 min read

Love the Valley: Reaching the unreached in the LC Valley

Does the LC Valley have a homeless problem? This is the question we asked Carly Klappenbach, Director of Engagement and Missions at CrossPoint...

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2 min read

"When I think of UGM Camp": Hear from Phil Altmeyer

Every summer, about 500 children from Spokane’s low-income neighborhoods are invited by their local church to spend a week at UGM Camp. While UGM...

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6 min read

The Dan Mader Story: Investing in the LC Valley

“The earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, belong to the Lord.” (Psalm 24:1) Fresh out of university, Lewiston-area native, Dan...

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1 min read

The Power of the Gospel

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power God uses to save everyone who believes.” (Romans 1:16a) Here at the Mission, we teach...

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1 min read

Helping Kids Find and Follow Jesus

Rebecca and Jeremiah Hughes and their kids are investing in the lives of Spokane’s at-risk children through their church and UGM's Youth Outreach...

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3 min read

Double Blessings: UGM financial partners share the joy of giving

“We very much like to have our money matched any time we can.” – Houston Scrudder During COVID, longtime UGM partners Houston Scrudder and Alene...

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2 min read

More Than a Roof: Partnering to help the unhoused find home

The cycle of homelessness, abuse, and addiction is not halted simply with the provision of a roof and four walls. Although food and housing are...

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2 min read

Decades of Faithfulness: A heart-to-heart message from Phil Altmeyer

While 2022 was a year of exciting new partnerships and profound love and sacrifice in our community, I sit at my desk this New Year and marvel at the...

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3 min read

2022: A Year of Love and Good Deeds

At UGM, we are rich in partnership. Year after year, the Inland Northwest community partners with the Mission to create life-changing opportunities...

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4 min read

Time, Talent, Treasure: How you can partner to end homelessness

You’ve heard it said before: UGM would not be what it is without people like you investing their unique giftings and resources to reach our neighbors...

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Residents in UGM programs are urged to connect their career path with their passions, something our Business Partners have made possible time and again. Meaningful work is a cornerstone of recovery.

2 min read

Partnering to Get People Back to Work

Work is a key ingredient in the effort to break the cycle of homelessness, abuse, and addiction. And while you’ll find current and former residents...

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2 min read

Christmas at UGM: A warm welcome into a community that cares

The snow has come, the days are nearly at their shortest, and Christmas is right around the corner. But what is Christmas if you’re homeless? Is...

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His Song

1 min read

The Gift of Song: How a UGM chapel provider offers more than a church service

“We tell people we’re not here to perform; we’re here to worship,” says His Song president Joel DeVries. His Song is a men’s gospel singing group...

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1 min read

Providing Peace in Crisis: A Medical Volunteer Feature

UGM received a remarkable gift when Nurse Practitioner Lorna Schumann joined the Medical Clinics as a volunteer.

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2 min read

Feeding Hungry Souls

Meet Nick Damascus and Pastor Eric Blauer, UGM chapel providers who offer the love and healing of Jesus to wounded souls.

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4 min read

Connect and Be Changed

Guest post by Lynn Yount, former UGM writer. Melissa Ashline has a lot of irons in the fire. She’s a nanny and a businesswoman and a mother of...

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