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1 min read

The Miracle of Selfless Giving

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Phil. 2:3-4)

Phil A - sketch 1I’m amazed as I sit at my desk and sign thank you letter after thank you letter. Churches giving use of their space free of charge; restaurants delivering hundreds of free meals for our guests; individuals offering handmade quilts, expensive machinery, medical and legal expertise; and checks of all sizes. Every single day, people give freely – and they give creatively!

What strikes me most is that these gifts offer very little in return. Giving to a homeless ministry, you don’t get fame or accolades or even recognition from the one(s) you blessed. In fact, most of the time you don’t even know the people your gift will benefit. How this is possible on a scale so large astounds me. You care so selflessly for men, women and children you’ve never even met.

You know what it reminds me of? The early church as described in the book of Acts. I’ve been reading through Acts with my home group in recent months, and what stands out to me is how the Holy Spirit led individuals and groups to do the Father’s will. Throughout the narrative, the Holy Spirit is calling men and women to very specific tasks. In Acts 8, He tells Philip to go and speak with the Ethiopian eunuch who’s sitting in his chariot. Seven verses later, the Eunuch asks to be baptized. In Acts 9, the Holy Spirit leads Peter to heal Aeneas and to restore Tabitha to life. Peter obeyed, and God worked miracles. Saul and Barnabas went on their mission to Cyprus because the Holy Spirit sent them (Acts 13:2b-4).

Just like in those days, the Lord is still directing His people. This is what I see when I step into my office each day, answer phone calls and sign thank you letters like those in front of me now. I see a people, following in the steps of Jesus, prompted by the Holy Spirit to offer anything He asks of them – anything and everything, at a moment’s notice, wanting nothing in return.

Thank you for responding to the work of the Holy Spirit in your life to partner with us in ministry. Your selfless giving is producing miracles in the lives of our guests every day. You are doing God’s work.

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