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Jim and Ken

mental health

Elizabeth had continual thoughts of suicide.

5 min read

Elizabeth: Under a Shadow

I came to Anna Ogden Hall in May 2017, just so broken. I didn’t think I could get more broken. I was like no smile at all. I would cry all the time...

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5 min read

Serious Mental Illness: Four Things UGM Can Do

Serious mental illness. It’s a tough topic. But when we exist to serve the homeless, we simply cannot ignore it. As we mentioned in a previous post,...

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Go outside

6 min read

My Personal Suicide Prevention Plan

Editor's note: Barbara opened up about her struggle with depression in the last post. Here, she follows up with the practical ways she manages that...

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4 min read

I Have a Mental Illness

By Barbara Comito, Director of Marketing & Communications I once interviewed a teenager who described her depression as a “blanket on the brain.” The...

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3 min read

The Paralyzing Nature of Anxiety

Editor’s note: Recently we’ve been talking about mental struggles on the Impact Blog. From insomnia to trauma and addiction, there are many struggles...

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Serious mental illness

2 min read

Mental Illness: An Obstacle for the Homeless – and Many Others

It’s hard to talk about homelessness without talking about mental illness. An oft-quoted estimate suggests that as many as one-third of homeless...

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4 min read

Trauma Recovery

This month on the Impact Blog, we’re looking at issues of the mind: sadness, depression, anxiety, mental illness, darkness vs. light. There’s a wide...

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3 min read

Combatting Sleeplessness

Editor's Note: For the next month, we'll be looking at issues that seem particularly relevant during the gray, icy, short days of winter in the...

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