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Lynn Yount, UGM Volunteer

Jim and Ken

4 min read

What Mary Knew

Christmas turns our thoughts to family, whether it’s kids getting into the “magic of the season” or the contemplation of a special baby laid in a manger. Specifically, this is a time for moms to shine – or crumble. I’m not a mom, but I see heavy...

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4 min read

Family of Origin and the Family of God

I wanted this article to tell a story about somebody else. That’s what I like to do.

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4 min read

A Safe Place to Build a Brotherhood

Dirty. Drug addicted. Soup kitchen. Those were descriptors Scott McCall had in mind about homeless shelters before his uncle helped persuade him to...

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3 min read

First Steps to Real Change

A journey of 1,000 miles may begin with a single step, but it isn’t always easy to determine which direction that step should go. Michaelyn Hodges...

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4 min read

Behind the Scenes: Meet UGM’s Longest Serving Board Member

As UGM turns 70 this year, we’re bringing out “both new things and old things,” as Jesus said in Matthew 13:52. Looking back on our history, we are...

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3 min read

High-Impact Kids: Not Too Young to Make a Difference

Reaching children is key to breaking the cycle of homelessness. But even the best-intentioned adults don’t always succeed in connecting with kids...

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4 min read

Meet UGM Ambassador Kristi Kinsinger

Getting involved at the Union Gospel Mission is easy - the hardest part is figuring out which of dozens of opportunities is the best fit for your...

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6 min read

Working For Eternal Rewards

Feeding the hungry, sheltering the vulnerable and restoring people into the community through the gospel sounds like very admirable, spiritual work....

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5 min read

Women's Recovery: Reflecting the God Who Sees

As UGM's Women's Lead LIFE Recovery Counselor, Jana Ross helps dozens of women and children every week who are suffering from the effects of trauma,...

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5 min read

Honoring Jerry Reese: An Authentic Man

Jerry Reese, Men’s Recovery Director at UGM, has a large stick mounted on his office wall. Underneath, there’s a plaque in Latin: “Lignum unum deum”...

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5 min read

Behind the Scenes with Mary Beth Salisbury

“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” – Proverbs 16:9, NLT Mary Beth Salisbury’s upbringing could seem like it has a...

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3 min read

Recovery: The Hardest Work

We use a lot of terms to describe the addiction recovery program at UGM: Christ-centered, holistic, long-term, deep-down healing, etc. One word...

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4 min read

The Greatest Stories Ever Towed

You may have noticed a recurring theme on the Impact Blog: Everybody who works at UGM is in ministry. Whether in maintenance, payroll, the kitchen or...

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4 min read

Recovery in the Kitchen

“As good stewards of the manifold grace of God, each of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve one another.” – I Peter 4:10 Dale Fruin...

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3 min read

The Real Poverty of Relationships

“I was King of the Park.” From one point of view, Nicholas Walker had everything you might want: Prestige, respect, and power in his community. Not...

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Christi and kids-cover

3 min read

Lifelong Recovery

Five years. It takes five years actively pursuing recovery for an addict to have a strong chance (about 85%) of lifelong recovery. Five years minus...

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5 min read

3 Ways Student Impact Gives Kids a Family

“This is literally our home. And three times a week, we invite 12 to 20 high-schoolers in.” That’s a succinct way to describe Impact Nights at the...

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4 min read

Silenced by Anxiety, Freed in Recovery

Patty’s a self-described alcoholic. But sobriety isn’t what her recovery is all about. It’s about finding a new way after long-held habits and ways...

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3 min read

Learning Who God Really Is

“As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35...

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4 min read

The Gospel and the Gathering

What does the Gospel have to do with the Gathering? It’s a little harder to answer that question this year than in previous years, when UGM’s annual...

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Charity CTR friends

1 min read

Adopted into a Church Family

The relentless love started the first Sunday Charity’s family came into Christ the Redeemer church: “You can’t even walk out the door without 15...

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Rooted featured

5 min read

Rooted in Love

“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high...

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5 min read

Partner Profiles: Volunteer Jenny Gasperino

“It’s not like I’m doing anything special, because I love it so much.” Ask Jenny Gasperino why she volunteers at the Union Gospel Mission, and you’ll...

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Lynn featured

5 min read

A Firm Resolution to Be Softened

I’ve never been big on making new year’s resolutions. It’s partly because of a general fear of failure with which I’ve struggled most of my life – I...

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P Y A on rock crop

6 min read

The Five C's of Children's Recovery

“Stay consistent in their lives, even when they’re the hardest to love.” That, in a nutshell, is the key to caring for the children living with their...

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