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Jim and Ken


5 min read

Loved into New Life: Two Stories of Recovery

Meet Zach. Zach, 21, says he grew up at UGM. When he entered the Men’s Recovery program, he had dropped out of high school and never had a job. What...

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3 min read

Finding God in Bad Situations

Editor’s Note: Barbara Comito here. Director of Marketing & Communications for UGM. This blog was written by my 18-year-old daughter, Izzy. It’s not...

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3 min read

LeAnna - Lost

Throughout her life, LeAnna Vargas was repeatedly treated as though she had no value, and eventually, she began to believe she didn’t. Feeling...

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2 min read

That's Unconditional Love

By Merrily Brast, Staff Writer Love—it’s what each of us desire and search for. Unwavering, faithful, unconditional love. Rachel Haynes sought it in...

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