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A Lifetime of Service and Beyond
Vern Scoggin, UGM's longest-serving board member, has overseen remarkable growth and change for over half of UGM's existence. Joining in 1985, he was...
4 min read
Sonny Westbrook, UGM Staff Chaplain
December 24, 2024
It is the Christmas season of the year again and I want to remind us all within the UGM family, that our Lord was born into this world to bring to all people “good tidings of great joy.” Luke makes this clear as he records the announcement of Christ’s birth by an angel of the Lord to the shepherds:
“Then the angel of the Lord said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.’”
“Then the angel of the Lord said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord.’” (Luke 2:10-11)
I want us to note the expression: “Good tidings of Great Joy’”. The words “good tidings” are a translation of the word translated “gospel” in other texts. So, the angel of the Lord is saying, “I am announcing the Gospel of Great Joy, which shall be to all people”.
So, what is the implication of this for us as we come into another Christmas season? It is this: If we truly understand and continually believe the Gospel of Christ, our lives will be filled with great joy! To say it more directly, it is clear from Christ’s birth announcement that God desired and planned that your life and my life and every Christian’s life would be filled with great joy as a result of experiencing the Gospel of Christ! This also implies that if we are not experiencing great joy we are not connecting with the good news, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then, perhaps this Christmas celebration could be for each of us a time to check on the measure of joy we have as a result of our connection with Christ. If we find that we have little or no joy, it is time to deepen our connection with Christ Himself, even as we celebrate His birth.
It's important for us as those who are partnering together in the ministries of UGM to see this in connection with our purpose statement. All our ministries have one purpose:
To partner with the Inland Northwest to reach the poor with the love and power of the Gospel, so that they may become God-dependent, contributing members of society.
Sharing the love and the power of the Gospel is the core of what we are privileged to offer all who come to us for help. One of the greatest effects of the love and power of the Gospel is that human hearts that have been broken, wounded, depressed, guilt-ridden, and alone, can be filled with great joy because our Lord Jesus came into this world to save us, to heal us, to give us a whole new identity through our union with Him. Here within the UGM ministries, we are privileged to see this transformation happen on a regular basis.
Now let’s make it clear—Christ’s birth into this world opens up a life of great joy because it made it possible for all to receive the greatest Gift on earth! And what is that? The greatest Gift a human being could ever receive is the Gift of God's only begotten Son to be our Savior! He was born into this world as the Lamb of God Who would take away the sin of the world (John 1:29). He gave His life for us. He died for our sins in our place so that we would be free from sin and the pain, sorrow, and death it would bring to us.
This should be a source of great joy to us! And He follows that by giving us the greatest gift, the gift of Himself, His life! When we believe in and receive Christ into our hearts, He actually comes to indwell us! He makes our bodies His temple, the temple of His Holy Spirit. And He promises never to leave us nor forsake us. Wow! What a promise! His wonderful, comforting, teaching, guiding Presence is ours to experience all the days of our life and in heaven forever! What joy this produces in every believing, receiving heart!
“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy might remain in you, and your joy may be full.”
This result is echoed throughout the New Testament. In His Farewell Discourse, our Lord Jesus clarified the joyful intent of His gospel in the final instructions to the disciples:
“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy might remain in you, and your joy may be full.” (John 15:11)
The Apostle John noted this in his first epistle:
“That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you may also have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.” (1 John1:3-4)
The Apostle Peter wrote about the Joy Christ brings:
“Whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of you faith—the salvation of your souls.” (1 Peter 1:8-9)
The Apostle Paul wrote his epistle of joy from prison and made joy in the Christian life a major theme of his letter:
“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I will say, rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4)
So, dear ones, during this season of Christmas, let's press into the wonderful gift God brought to each and all of us, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Let’s pursue a deeper understanding of all the Lord Jesus is to us and all He has done for us and promises yet to do. Let's renew ourselves by continually renewing our unshakeable belief in His promises to us. Let's live in the experience of the good tidings. And as we do, let's press into the great joy He brings to us.
Our Lord Jesus brought the good tidings of great joy to all people! Here within UGM, what a privilege it is to partner with Him and reach any and all who come to us for help with the joy-producing love and power of the Gospel!
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Vern Scoggin, UGM's longest-serving board member, has overseen remarkable growth and change for over half of UGM's existence. Joining in 1985, he was...
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