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3 min read

Holiday Ways To Give

The holiday season is a time for giving, and what better way to spread some cheer than by helping those in need? Homeless and low-income individuals face incredible challenges during the colder months, and small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Here are a few meaningful ways you can offer comfort and hope this winter, all through simple, practical acts of generosity.



Cold Care Cups: A Simple Gift for Health and Comfort

As the cold and flu season hits, homeless and low-income individuals often lack the basic supplies to care for themselves when they’re feeling unwell. One way to help is by assembling “cold care cups” filled with over-the-counter remedies. These cups can provide comfort during a difficult time, and they’re easy to put together as a group or family project.


Suggested Items:

If you're feeling creative, you can decorate the cups with Bible verses or other encouraging notes. Whether you assemble the cups yourself or donate the items, you’ll be offering someone in need a little warmth and a lot of hope this winter.


Click here to print the information cards that go inside the cups!

Click me



Prepared to Help

Keep essentials like granola bars, warm gloves, travel-size hygiene products (soap, shampoo, toothpaste), lip balm, nail clippers, and a water bottle in your car or purse. When you encounter someone in need, you'll be ready to offer help with practical items they may appreciate. You can also carry one of our UGM "Need Help" cards to provide information about where individuals can access clothing, medical care, showers, and meals.


Socks are perhaps the most critical item in a homeless person’s wardrobe. They are essential for keeping feet warm and dry, which can prevent frostbite and other health issues. Unfortunately, socks are often one of the hardest items to keep in stock at shelters.

For about the cost of a latte, you can provide a person on the street with a clean, dry pair of socks. You could keep a supply in your car to hand out to individuals you meet, or you can drop them off directly at UGM’s Men’s Shelter at 1224 E Trent Ave. In addition to socks, other cold-weather gear like gloves, work boots, and warm hats are always welcome.




Bless Our Residents

Support our residents by donating essential items like socks, underwear, deodorant, and more. See our Top Needs for each shelter to see which items they need most.


View our residents’ Christmas wish lists on our holiday page and do some Christmas shopping for those in need. The gifts will be delivered directly to our shelters if you purchase them from this list. If you prefer to shop or deliver in person, use this registry as a guide for what items will be most useful to UGM residents.

Men's Gift Registry   Women's Gift Registry  Children's Gift Registry

Visit our shelters to take an ornament off the tree with a gift idea. Bring the ornament and the unwrapped gift back to the shelter to spread some holiday joy to those in need.



Not Sure What to Gift?

$10 gift cards are a thoughtful way to give our residents the ability to pick out something special for themselves or their children. Whether it’s a warm meal, some clothing, or something to brighten their day, gift cards empower people to make their own choices. Mail them to or drop them off at our Spokane Admin office at 1224 E Trent Ave. or 196 W Haycraft Ave. in Coeur d’Alene



Ideas for Loved Ones: Honorary Gifts

If someone you love doesn’t need anything new this Christmas, consider giving a life-changing financial gift in their name! Your loved one will get a letter detailing how your honorary gift helped a UGM guest find safety and hope within a supportive community.  



These are just a few ways you can make a tangible impact this holiday season. Whether you choose to donate socks, gift cards, or spend time with someone who could use a friend, each act of kindness can make the world of difference to someone in need. For more specific ideas on how you can help the homeless through UGM this holiday season, visit our holiday giving page. Let’s come together to offer hope, warmth, and love to those who need it most.

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