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March 2012 Memorials

Featured in the March 2012 newsletter

In Memory of:  The Kind gift of:

Ron Alexander: Joyce Christopher

Harry & Earline Altmeyer: Walt & Marlene Arthur

Thomas Anderson: Anna Anderson

Grace Arthur: Denny & Shirley Cornelius

Janice Baker: Nadine Coburn

Jared Ball: John & Jonna Ball

Robert Barnes: Betty Barnes

Chastity Barkhuff: Mike Barkhuff

Shane Michael Barnes: Mark & Angela Barnes

Ida Bartholemew: James Bartholomew, Robert Bartleson, Cynthia Kittle, Triple T Farm

Bev Bass: Terry & Connie Van Weerdhuizen

Ken Batton: Georgie Batton

Margaret Baumann: Elaine Botts

Stuart & Marion Benshoof: Carol Haskell-Byron

Gary Bingaman: LA McKay

Allan M Bisson: Pearl Halvorson

Gary Borden: Iva Borden

Les Boudewyns: Ellen Boudewyns

Scott Brosvik: Jeannette Brosvik, Mark & Theresa Hennessy

Phyllis Brown: Dorothy Harris

Stephen Brown: Linda Anyan-Brown

Sheila Brueggeman: Bernard & Grace Eneas

Bill Buckley: Opal Buckley & family

Kim Buergel: LA McKay

Nathan Bundy: Jane Bundy

Don Bunge: Jane Bunge

Dale & Terry Burgess: Tonia Geno

Robert Caldwell: Jeanette Caldwell

Mildred Campbell: Keith Campbell

Helen Carlson: Alfred & Esther Schulz

Bruce Carmack: Juli Hansen

Delbert Carstens: Kathleen Carstens

Maridel Cavanah: Leslie Cavanah

Wayne Chapman: Marie Chapman

Paul Christopher: John & Roselie Cooney

Dick Cline: Dale & Marilyn Cline

Jim Coombs: John & Robin Schram

Clint & Betty Corliss: Anne Morris

Gloria Cothern: Billie Cothern

Brock Cramer: Herbert & Sandra Nagel

George Crawford: Gary Galbreath

Peter Crawford: Charles Crawford

Ray Crocker: Thomas Carroll, Wayne & Sherry Cox, Mark Emtman, Ina Gale & Allen Harris, Gary & Beverley Kunz, John & Faye Slingsby, Robert & Arlis Schmidt, Rick & Marcia St Amand, Shirley Steinbach

Leon Cromer: Ruth Sweany

Mark Crowder: Cheri Brunner

Bonnie Cuzzetto: Fred & Sandra Uttke

Darlene: Joanne Salzman

Joyce Daugherty: Nancy Krueger

Max Davis: Robert Davis

Phyllis Dechenne: Lorraine Shawgo

Betty Deitrick: Jack & Judy Tibesar

Rachael Derr: Virginia Leap

Ian Deters: David & Cheri Deters

Bill Dicus: Karen Greenwalt

Walt & Margaret Doric: Sandy & Dan Pavelich

Mercedes Dormaier: Central Washington Grain Growers; George Dormaier; Allen & Darlene Dormaier; Leffel, Otis & Warwick, P.S.; Betsy Masterson

Don Dorman Jr: Ruth Dorman

Eleanore Dose: Mark & Barbara Botterbusch

John Dunham: Lois Huber, Marcella Spitzbarth

Reva Dunner: Wayne & Evelyn Russell

Ray Eberle: Nancy Ashworth, Bob & Lucy Horner, Don McHargue Farms, Dennis & Jan McDaniel, Donald McHargue, Sam & Barbara Peringer, Becky Shellman, Charlie & Pat Wolfe

Florence Eddy: Stephen & Barbara Smith

John Edwards: Patricia Coburn, Janice Tulloch

Keith Ehlenfeldt: William Ehlenfeldt

Betty Ellsworth: Donald Ellsworth

Buz Eygabroad: Marjorie Eygabroad

Bob Fecht: Brenda Grassel

Betty Fennen: Dustin & Monika Stum

Veretta Ferral: Robin Oos

Dan Fitzgerald: Terrence Blanchat

Elmer, Curtis, George, and Lucille Flodin: Eunice Meredith

Frank, James & Norman Ford: Harry Thomas

Ken Francis: Judy May Francis

Richard Freese: Kristen Snyder

Vernon Fry: Gary & Kathy Bonser, Evelyn Chambers, Robert & Jean Emtman, David & Susan Graham, Susan Lawrence, B. James & Suzette Lowe, Mary Mackey, Elsie Meenach, Robert Pryor, Colleen Pryor, Gordon & Anne Schoedel, Carol Stueckle

Jim Gady: Robert & Charlene Christenson

Tom Garrett: Nicholas Warrick

Anita June Gassman-Buck: Enumclaw Insurance Group

Floyd Gibson: Donna Gibson

Burt Gillette: Liz Gillette

Lyla Kay Gintz: Robert & Susan Beck

J Gordon Graham: Betty Graham

Jean Gray: Joan Bridge

John Grigsby: Rhonda Widmer

Betty Grimm: Jerry & Marsha Binder, Colfax Thrifty Grandmothers, Earl & Ruth Enos, Daryl Fry, Donald & Glenda Grimm, Paul & Debbie Gylling, Larry & Dorothy Harris, Harvey & Leona Herman, Bernice Hilty, Bob & Ruth Holmes, John & Virginia Huber, Joanne Kissler, Esther Kroll, James & Kathleen Kroll, Mike & Darlene Kroll, Ryan Kroll, Dolores Lindhag, Art & Kathy Lothrop, Willy & Anne Lowe, Joe & Sharon McKeirnan, Marshall & Lucile Miller, Dean & Freda Miller, Gary & Diane Monson, Delbert Moore, William & Carol Joy Myers, Curt & Fern Nafziger, Wes & Mary Lee Nuxoll, Donna Pearson, Greta Stueckle, Mary Ann Wigen, Lucille Willson

Robert H Grimmer: Timothy & Barbara Olson

Rose Gunderson: Judy Wrzesinski

R J “Speedy” Gunsaulis: Clarence & Barbara Bennett

Steve and Linda Gutzman: Lisa Allen

Blaine Harbaugh: Kristin Megy

Richard Harrington: James & Karen Manicke

Connie Haskins: Gail Kretz, Barrett Valley

Eris Heggem: Tom & Virginia Brauer, Helen Clark, Norma & Colleen Reilly

June Heimbigner: Gary Heimbigner

Margaret Heinemann: Connie Meyer

John & Ruth Helm: Dale & Loraine Smick

Gladys Hendrickson: Michael & Tracy Rush

Allen Hibbard: Lorraine Larson

Cory Hubbard: Anonymous

Wes Hughes: Joy Hughes

Buzz Irvin: Evelyn Irvin

Barb Iwai: George Iwai

Mr and Mrs L A Jackson: Richard & Francine Cutler

Grandma Jane: Chris Corrick

Don Jared: Robert Davis

George  Johnson: Gloria Fraser

Harold Johnson: Ethel Johnson

Weston Johnson: Larry Miller

Gus Jones: Dolores Due

Tina Karjalahti: Georgia Davis

Kathleen Kendall: Richard Kendall

Dale Kienbaum: John & Linda Faure

Doug Klages: Doris Pfeiffer

“Bud” Krebs: Bruce Gore

Yvonne Krupke: Cleo Warren

Lisa Ladyman: Harold & Mary Ann Ladyman

Marybell Larson: Geraldine Drechsel

Walter Lashbrook: Phyllis, Jim, & Bill

Angela Braun Leon: Dennis & Shary Wellsandt

Larry Liedkie: Delila Liedkie

Jennifer Marie Bucher MacKay: Lee & Judy Lefler

Glenn Madsen: Mildred Clausen

Nevin Magnus: Kristin Gockley

David Mason: Lois Huber

Randy Mattaausch: David & MarvaLee Peterschick

Berit McAllister: Evelyn Parisot

Esther McAlpine: Verna Eucker

Don McDavis: Bruce McDavis

Beulah McGee: Lawrence McGee

Robert & Laura McHoes: David & Phyllis Cothran

Mike McMackin: LA McKay

Elaine Meredith: Eunice Meredith

Mark Middleton: Geraldine Drechsel

Bob Mildes: Anonymous

Clarene Mitchell: Lorraine Sandven, Delores Sudbrink

Daniel Mitchell: Shirley Mitchell

Steven Morris: Anne Morris

Wally Mueller: Mark & Barbara Botterbusch

Robert & Douglas Murphy: Timothy & Sheryl Stevens

Vaughn Murphy: David & MarvaLee Peterschick

Herman & Frances Nebel: Jim & Diane Nebel

Robert Nelson: William & Caroline Palmer

Dr. Olson: Timothy & Barbara Olson

Ken Ostrander: Dorothy Morse

George Ott: Alyce Durheim

A J “Bud” Pardini: Jane Phillips, Priscilla Keim, Marjorie Roose, Wanda Johnson, Old Philadelphia Associates, Inc.

L Star Patton: Larry Patton

Ed Perez: Jeffrey Gibson

George Petrina: Marjorie Eygabroad

Steve Pontius: Robert & Marilyn Pontius

Jim & Jane Potesky: John & Joann Simmons

James Purdy: Janet Purdy

Carl Radanovsky: Lloyd & Delane Fowler, Pearl Radanovsky

Bruce Rankin: Harry & Gail Whitman

Darlene Reilly: Brenda Grassel

John & Bev Richards: Barry & Sharon Livengood

Winnie Richards: Robert Richards

Eugene Rieger: Debbie Vaudrin

Jack Riffel: Frank & Betty Fullmer, Les & Donna Nygren, Pat & Gerry Pfeiffer, Carol Riffel

Cindy Rison: Leonard Rison Jr.

Harold Ruddell: Mary Morgan

Glenn Ryan: Janet Gracyalny

Vernon & Carol Scott: Kelly Walters

Clarence Sheldon: June Sheldon

Jim & Blossom Simmons: John & Joann Simmons

Philip & Irene Smick: Dale & Loraine Smick

Darrell Smith: Dorothy Smith

Jeffery Smith: Jeanette Smith

Steve Spotanski: Gloria Spotanski

Don Sorenson: LA McKay

Robert Spanger Jr: Vern & Dorothy Elder, Mr & Mrs Ben Merrill

Don & Melinda St John: Marilyn Whitman, Shirley St John

George & Tawnia Stabb: Mike & Jackie Price, Tammy Pease

Al & Bernice Stagman: Peter & Kathy Strahm

Jean Staley: Byron & Sandra Fitch

John Stamatoplos: Steve Stamatoplos

Jon Stephan: Dr. & Mrs. James Roloff

Elmer Stewart: Kris & family

James A L Stewart: Judith Stewart

Ernie Stueckle: Jan Smith

Carter Swedo: David Vanos

Jeff Teegarden: Bob & Nancy Gunning

David Thompson: Herbert & Alice Achterberg

Loretta Thompson: Donna Messinger

Katherine Thorson: Lynne Lind

Grace Trescott: Susan Colyar

Jean Trumbo: Loren & Karen Hallett

Bertha Tuttle: John Tuttle

Lynda Valley: Barrett Valley

Melba Valley: Dennis Halsey, Barrett Valley

Mae Vanek: Sandy Ramsey

Dan Votava: Ruth, Tyler & Blair

Philip Wallace: Alisha Crowell

Evangeline Wallis: Richard & Trudy Raymond, Kathryne Ringo

Robert Walsh: Geraldine Walsh

Walter & Carol Waterbury: Ann McGetrick

Ethel Watkins: Carol Upp

Emma Widman: Duane & Billie Jean Widman

Jeff Williams: Sandy Williams

George & Gloria Wood: Jackie Flanigan

Rachel Wood: Jackie Flanigan

Franklin Woods: Mary Woods

Kira Wraspir: Max & Kitty Smith

Barbara & Keith Yates: Beverly Johnson

John Kuapahi Yoshikawa: Alexander & Barbara Ho Jr.

Wanda Younker: Robert & Jane Papst, Cleo Warren, the family of Wanda Younker

Norma Zellman: Kenneth & Dolores Hayes



In honor of: The kind gift of:

All those that serve: Bonita Olson

Howard Alexander: Darcy Alexander

Norm & Mary Alley: Michael & Caryn Alley

Chastity Barkhuff: Mike Barkhuff

Don & Melba Jeanne Barton: Sylvia Miller

Robert Bauer: Heidi & Todd Bauer

Barry Bergau: Terry & Debbie Montgomery

Vic & Cathy Bobb: Patricia Schmidt

Bill & Kaye Boone: Henry & Lois Wenig

Dick & Carol Buchanan: Duane & Marilyn Ulleland

Carl: Wendy Sturm

Aaron Champagne & the 49ers: Alexis Thomas

Marie Claflin: Ray & Valerie Cassingham

Helen & Lloyd Christensen Jr: Lloyd Christensen Sr.

David & Dana Cordell: Henry & Lois Wenig

Joshua & Kristi Cross: Lois Osburn

Helen Curd and Philip Wallace: Alisha Crowell

Bill & Anne Dempsey: Jim Dempsey

Ron Devonport: Allison Blizzard

Ray & Lynda Duclos: Norval & Korlyn Luth

Norma English: Mark & Sharon Johnson

Bruce Fecht: Marjorie Fecht Rhoads

Geoff & Young'en: Mark & Jill Longmeier

Brian & Emily Gordon: Duane & Marilyn Ulleland

Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren: Herschell & Patricia Endicott

Martin & Colleen Gulseth: Natalie Gulseth

Loren & Beth Guske: Katie McCallum

Tom & Lynn Hauer: Henry & Lois Wenig

Cheryl Hood: Dawn Cromwell

Sharon Jackson: Robert Wihtelin

Fred & Dianne Jacot: Sam & Donna Jacot

Ed Janke: Brigitte Janke

Kevin & Patti Jester: Abby Thom

Jesus Christ of Nazareth: Joshua Eisenman

Casey Kelley: Mason Kelley

Kristi Kinsinger: Orene Harder

Kirsten, Ryan & Shaun: Mark & Jill Longmeier

Bill & Char Kristin: Heather Kristin

Paul & Sue Knoll: Ruth Seignemartin

Norval & Korlyn Luth: Natalie Gulseth

Harold Mann family: Donna Carnegie

David & Linda McCall: Ruth Seignemartin

Elaine Meredith: Glen & Eunice Meredith

Robert Millbank: Mary E. Carlon, Bruce & Cathy Millbank

Bill Mahaffey: Elouise Engle

Dorothy Morse: Dawn Cromwell

Tom & Shawna Mort: Jack & Judy Tibesar

Roger & Beverly Osborne: Walter & Milda Middleton

Irmgard Otto: Rosemary Otto

John Paul: Tamara McGregor

Larry Pearce: Ron Pearce

Richard Penn: Clint & Noelle Adams

Thomas Plumb: Jennifer Plumb

Amanda & Nikolas Reed: Terry & Gail Reed

Angie & Brady Reed: Terry & Gail Reed

Mandy Reed: Terry & Gail Reed

Ellen Rock: Anonymous, Linda Harrison, Douglas Hensley, Richard & Jodi Penn, Cliff & Karenia Twidt

Maxine Rodman: Donna Carnegie

Jim & Diana Rowton: Ann Standiford

Austin Blake Sauer: Thomas & Melanie Croskrey

Margaret Schmauder: William & Michelle Lilje

Charlene Severns: Don & Sylvia Otto

Bob Simpson: Chiropractic Works Wellness Center

Dick & Yvonne Snell: Preston Thompson

Gordon & Jeanette Smith: Darla Stewart

Jim Strandy: Loran & Kjirstin Graham

Tim Sullivan: Stephanie Paine

Those who fight for freedom: Vern & Dorothy Elder

Craig & Marva Ulleland: Duane & Marilyn Ulleland

Diane Ward: Gene & Debbie Pehan

Cari Wenig: Henry & Lois Wenig

Mark & Lisa Wenig: Henry & Lois Wenig

Paul & Tanya Wenig: Henry & Lois Wenig

Mike & Carol Wilson: L. Rex & Peggy Fairfield

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Feb 28, 2012featured in the March 2012 newsletter

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