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James Bishop

Jim and Ken
James Bishop is the multimedia producer for the Union Gospel Mission, producing video and radio spots telling the stories of UGM. He's also a devoted husband and father of four beautiful children (the youngest born shortly after this photo was taken) who know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Daddy loves them.

3 min read

The Love of the Father

It’s a long road learning that you’re loved by God, who calls himself our Father, especially if you’ve never known your real father. That journey has been painful, tearful, and wonderful for me, and I’m grateful that my Father in heaven is walking...

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1 min read

The Faithful Team

Roberta, Kathi, and Ginger - lovingly referred to by the Center staff as the "faithful team" - earned their nickname because of their dedication to...

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1 min read

Partner Profile: The Beldens

Serving meals at a California rescue mission several years ago made a lasting impression on Jerry and Stephanie Belden. So much so that, when they...

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1 min read

Imparting Skills and Confidence

As a volunteer job coach at the Men’s Shelter, Randy Crews recognizes the importance of building confidence and preparing men to re-enter the...

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1 min read

Take Action: Celebrate with Us

On June 21, 2016, men and women in UGM LIFE Recovery will graduate – the culmination of nearly two years of hard work.

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Creative Connections: Whitworth Gives Books

For Founder George F. Whitworth’s 200th birthday, Whitworth University initiated a creative partnership with Union Gospel Mission. The university...

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1 min read

Giving Women Hope

Following the death of their daughter, caring for women became a top priority for Blondies Salon Owners Marie and Rene’ Lacroix.

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2 min read

Tim - Not a Meth Head

“I was in a constant cycle of me, me, me, and that’s all it consisted of. I didn’t care who I hurt, who I stole from in order to get high.” Tim...

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Mike and mentor Tim

Take Action: Become a Mentor

With your help, UGM creates a strong community where people receive grace and feel accepted and loved. However, the men and women in recovery can’t...

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1 min read

Caring for Women and Children

Russ Henderson isn’t letting his age get in the way of helping those in need. At 91, he’s an avid supporter of the women and children at Anna Ogden...

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1 min read

We are Thankful - To Those Seeking Help

David, 31, spent half his life homeless. At the age of 14, he was taken from his family home due to a domestic violence incident. After that, he...

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Take Action: Give a Hand Up

How many times have you pulled up to a stop light and seen a man or woman holding a cardboard sign, asking for help? No one likes to see people...

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2 min read

Beyond Labels

Prisoner. Addict. Homeless. Drunk. When we use labels, we miss out on seeing people for who they really are. We confuse peoples’ actions with their...

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1 min read

Pray for kids at camp.

Ryan Brown, UGM Youth Outreach Director, said he loves knowing that people are praying for UGM Camp: “Prayer is so crucial! Many of the kids are in...

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1 min read

Sodexo Donates Camp Food

The old adage that the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach has some truth to it. At Union Gospel Mission Camp, food becomes an important...

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2 min read

Business Partnerships

Omega Pacific Omega Pacific, a local manufacturer of climbing gear, has hired two men from UGM’s Employment Ready Program. Here, Director of...

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1 min read

Take Action: Give a Hand Up

Here are a few of the ways your gifts to UGM are helping people get back to work: Vocational Education: In our learning centers, men and women are...

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3 min read

We Were Alone

You came alongside us. People with strong support systems don’t usually end up in homeless shelters.

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1 min read

Happy Volunteer: Aaron Staeuble

Aaron Staeuble, Pastor Kurt’s son, has Down syndrome. He volunteers Monday through Friday at the Center for Women and Children in Coeur d’Alene.

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3 min read

We Were Abused

"UGM welcomed us, protected us, helped us heal." Tiffany has immense inner strength. At 26 years old, she has faced the worst life has to offer and...

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2 min read

The Desire to Serve, the Ability to Lead

Meet Keith Green, UGM Board President, 2005-2014

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1 min read

Tod and Derek

Tod Randall, UGM Warehouse Supervisor, oversees the receipt and dispersal of food donations (an almost $2 million annual value). He sees the...

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1 min read

Changed by Volunteering

Jerry Coatney was literally ecstatic when he got an email from Greg Barclay saying that UGM was looking for a driver. Jerry had wanted to volunteer...

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