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2 min read

Passing on Encouragement

Prior to entering into recovery at UGM, men and women undergo “pre-phase,” an evaluation time and trial period to discover whether LIFE Recovery is a good fit. This pre-phase period can be difficult as the men and women are often still experiencing withdrawal symptoms and adjusting to a different lifestyle, as well as routine.

Recently, at the Center for Women and Children, current recovery participants wrote notes to the women in pre-phase. Below are some of the words of encouragementthese women shared.

 Hey Ladies!! Welcome to the Center.

First off let me tell you that you can and will survive [pre-phase]. Remember all of us here start right where you are right now. So stay strong and keep going. My advice to you all is embrace what is ahead of you. Make the best of it!! Remember it’s transform, not conform. I am praying and rooting for all of you. God is good all the time.

P.S. Have grace for one another; you are with your phase all the way!!

Love, Jocelyne

CWC woman braiding another resident's hair

It’s okay to be scared, confused, uncomfortable, vulnerable, and much more. It seems like a lot, but it will get easier as you go.  You can do this… You’re a strong, beautiful, courageous person for wanting to change your life.    


Leanna laughing

Hello there. Congratulations on your choice of coming here! It’s going to be a wild ride. Sometimes, it might get overwhelming and you’ll have days when you wake up thinking, I can’t do this today, but keep pushing through! It’s so worth it. There are so many benefits this program has to offer that you wouldn’t have even dreamed! I really hope that all of you make it to the end because you guys are all worthy of the life God has planned for you. My best advice is love the Lord with all your heart, love your sisters as yourself, DON’T talk to boys, give God quality time DAILY, be honest about everything at all times, keeping secrets make you sick, and keep your eyes above the waves.

Love ya, Martha

Amanda looking up at chapel cross

If I knew then (during pre-phase) what I know now:

  1. I would've been more honest with myself.
  2. I would've asked for help and advice instead of letting my pride stand in the way.
  3. I would've read my Bible more.
  4. I would've been more authentic.
  5. I would've been thorough in my homework and dedicated to my classes.

Don't let time slip away, it goes so fast!    


Michelle holding her son Zane

It may seem like a struggle right now, and you might have doubts about what it is that you are really doing, but I can tell you that all the things you are doing or being asked to do have a bigger purpose. I can say that if you just press through the things that seem so hard, you will get to the other side of that. Life is not about perfection, it is about moving forward. So don’t focus on how perfect you are doing things.  Focus on your effort, and don’t forget to show thanks to those who are patiently helping you through that by giving you grace.    


Larisa in front of Center doors

Hi there, ladies!

Welcome to the Center, I am so excited for the journey you all are about to take!!! Yes, three exclamation points because I know how wonderful this program can be when one chooses to surrender and gives everything they have in the program. My advice is to hit the ground running. Remember what brought you into the LIFE Recovery program here and hold onto it with all you have. As the journey here gets going, and you give all you have in your counseling and classes, it will get tough. Please don’t give up and know that God is faithful! Healing will come, and in the meantime, your sisters in Christ (US) and staff and volunteers are all here for you!

See ya around, Kelsey

Volunteers offer residents encouragement by getting involved tangibly. Want to be a part of that?

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