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2 min read

LIFE Recovery from a Child's Perspective

Editor's Note: Roxanne Jenkins graduated from the UGM LIFE Recovery program on June 17, 2014. In this short graduation speech, she turns the focus from the impact the program had on her to the impact it had on her children.

The Impact of My Recovery on My Children

By Roxanne Jenkins

Roxanne's recovery impacted her girls

Good Evening!

Tonight I want to speak about the forgotten ones, the children.

The effects of the ministry are apparent in each of the faces of the graduates here, as well as in the appearance of the men and women who are currently in program and transforming daily. 

Yes, this time is in honor of them, who have accomplished much, but tonight I want to share the child’s view of the meaning of graduation.

Monet, age 11Monet - impact of recovery on child

I remember how scared I always was to get in trouble. I would think, “OH NO, what’ll mom do to me now?” (Emphasis on the words "was" and "would," past tense!)

Now, I’m not so worried anymore. I still wonder what punishment she’ll give me, but not in a bad way, because I know she’ll resort to grace instead of violence and fear.  I have a “New Mom,” Thanks to Anna Ogden Hall. A better one, too.

Victoria, age 14

My mom wasn’t always the patient mom she is now. But this program helped her become the good mom I’ve always wanted to have. It has given her the skills to be the best mom she can. Thank you!

The Generational Ripples

Victoria and Monet are my daughters and as you just heard I was a broken mom. They are just 2 of the many children that have been a part of or affected by a parent’s choice to change with the help of Union Gospel Mission, donors, investors, volunteers and the support of friends and family, like you!

This is a change that ripples through generations and a simple “Thank you” doesn't even scrape the surface of my gratitude.

Today I have a foundation in Christ that cannot be shaken, my daughters are reunited with me, I have a full time job, a house, a car, both of my daughters have been baptized and accepted Christ as their Savior because what they saw Him do in me and I have been sober for over 2 years. All because of Jesus Christ!!

I want to close by sharing a few verses and my heart's prayer with you.

Deuteronomy 30

3 God, your God, will restore everything you lost; he'll have compassion on you; he'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered. 4 No matter how far away you end up, God, your God, will get you out of there 5 and bring you back to the land your ancestors once possessed. It will be yours again. He will give you a good life and make you more numerous than your ancestors. 6 God, your God, will cut away the thick calluses on your heart and your children's hearts, freeing you to love God, your God, with your whole heart and soul and live, really live.

I pray that God may bless you abundantly as you have blessed me and my children. Thank you!


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