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Jim and Ken

homeless women and children

Phil Altmeyer

2 min read

As a Mother Loves Her Child: A heart-to-heart message from Phil Altmeyer

“As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.” (Isaiah 66:13) For the past ten years, I’ve been teaching the UGM women’s Bible study. I...

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3 min read

A Pathway to a Better Life: How Brianna and Daisy found hope together

“I took the path that would get me to her as soon as possible.” - Brianna, UGM Women's Recovery This season is one that turns our thoughts toward...

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5 min read

Valuable and Worthy: Debra’s Journey Toward Holistic Recovery

“For a couple years, I was running the streets. Had lost my job, my kids, my house, everything.” Although 2017 and 2018 were two of the hardest years...

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1 min read

Providing Peace in Crisis: A Medical Volunteer Feature

UGM received a remarkable gift when Nurse Practitioner Lorna Schumann joined the Medical Clinics as a volunteer.

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6 min read

Breaking the Generational Cycle TOGETHER

Stories of family dysfunction, neglect and abuse come to our doors every day. Many people are caught in generational cycles of sin and suffering,...

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4 min read

Renewing Her Mind

Before coming to the UGM Center for Women and Children in Coeur d’Alene, Nikki Downs was in jail. Her infant son had been taken by Child Protective...

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The Bible gives us the truth that is able to transform from the inside out.

4 min read

Beyond Sobriety to Life Transformation

By Kirste Richards, LIFE Recovery Intake Counselor, UGM Center for Women and Children - One of the first things a woman hears when she comes to a...

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5 min read

Partner Profiles: Volunteer Jenny Gasperino

“It’s not like I’m doing anything special, because I love it so much.” Ask Jenny Gasperino why she volunteers at the Union Gospel Mission, and you’ll...

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P Y A on rock crop

6 min read

The Five C's of Children's Recovery

“Stay consistent in their lives, even when they’re the hardest to love.” That, in a nutshell, is the key to caring for the children living with their...

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5 min read

Homeless and Nowhere to Be

Kari had been walking for four days. Literally. She wasn’t going anywhere. She didn’t need the exercise. She was walking because her life had come to...

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3 min read

A Long, Uphill Path for Moms in Recovery

By Kamee Bissell, former Counselor in Women’s Recovery at Anna Ogden Hall - Many of the women who apply for our LIFE Recovery Program at Anna Ogden...

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child at CWC featured

3 min read

Restoring Children to a Healthy Home

By JoAnn Zajicek, Director, Center for Women and Children - Not yet two years old, the girl consistently wakes up with night terrors. She’s been in...

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WHD Diane Crisis Shelter featured

3 min read

Trauma, Time, Trust: Helping Homeless Women

By Diane Hutton, Director, Crisis Shelter for Women and Children - Women often come into the shelter for the first time very fearful, broken and...

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Teri and staff-featured

11 min read

House Mom to the Homeless and Broken

Teria Kelley is Resident Services Coordinator at the UGM Center for Women and Children in Coeur d'Alene. But in her own words, her job title is,...

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10 min read

From Homeless to Hope Fountain

Kimmi (Halbrook) Lane arrived at the UGM Crisis Shelter nine and a half years ago as a guest. Little did she know it was the beginning of a journey...

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4 min read

Homeless, Hopeless, Loved

Being homeless can make you physically dirty. Its harsh realities can dull your senses and thicken your skin. It can drive you to do things you swore...

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4 min read

Youth and the Future of Ministry

By Ryan Brown, UGM Youth Outreach Director - Three and a half years ago, I was called back to a place where God transformed my life: Spokane’s Union...

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3 min read

Christmas: The Power of God with Us

Christmas celebrates the arrival of Jesus, the Son of God clothed in humanity, on the earth. One of the most beautiful descriptions of that...

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2 min read

Katie: One Mom's Journey of Restoration

The December Mission News focused on one of the happiest by-products of recovery: children being reunited with their moms, and not merely being...

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2 min read

Jessie: A Fully Present Parent

Jessie’s 23-year drug and alcohol addiction had already cost her a son and a daughter, taken from her as babies. But she had managed to hang on to...

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2 min read

Engaging the Community to Help Women and Children

This week, we are celebrating Debi Pauletto, the community relations coordinator at the Center for Women and Children. Debi has worked at UGM for 16...

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5 min read

Relapse as Part of Recovery

Falling Down and Getting Back Up By Darlene Willis, recovery resident at the UGM Center for Women & Children “Life is not about how many times you...

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4 min read

Addicted to Men

Amanda’s struggle to overcome relationship addiction Editor’s Note: We interviewed Amanda, 23, one year ago when she lived at the UGM Crisis Shelter...

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6 min read

Rescue: Meeting people in the messiest of messes

Editor's note, March 2017: Since this was posted in 2014, the Crisis Shelter has moved to a beautiful, larger facility at 1515 E Illinois. Anne is...

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3 min read

Sin's contribution to homelessness

It's impossible to talk about homelessness without mentioning sin. By Rich Schaus, Director of the UGM Crisis Shelter for Women & Children While it...

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