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1 min read

Scrapes, bumps and bruises

AlliAfter working in the emergency room of a hospital, I thought serving as a nurse at summer camp would be a breeze, Alli said. But she hadn’t taken the emotional pain into account. Alli and I were having coffee after her term at UGM Camp ended. The physical injuries over the course of the nine weeks were minor, she said, scrapes, sprains, sunburns and insect bites mostly. The hard work hadn’t come from a test of her nursing skills but rather from the demand to live out her faith in complex relationshipsalli-thumb

– to listen, to care, to seek to understand how these children’s heart wounds impacted their behavior, and to bring the gospel into everyday situations.

As an example, she told me the story of a full-scale verbal assault that took place in one of the girls’ cabins at 3 a.m. Feeling completely out of her league, she entered the fray. After lots of “she said…” and “she started it,” Alli simply asked the girls: “Is this what you want your relationships to look like for your whole life?” That question de-escalated the fighting and created space for conversation, conversation that eventually came around to our relationship with God, the problem of sin, and the beauty of forgiveness.

Alli was a great camp nurse – competently handling all the minor illnesses and injuries that arose that summer – but more than that, she was a vessel through which God could begin healing the bumps and bruises none of us could see.

~ Dennis Roach, Youth Outreach Director

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