3 min read
Exploring Something New
Beverly Bergstrom is a front desk volunteer for our Spokane administrative office. She and her husband had donated to UGM for years, and one day,...
2 min read
Phil Altmeyer, Executive Director
March 27, 2024
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works.” Ephesians 2:10
Friends, I don’t know if your garage or shop looks like mine, but I have a lot of tools and they’re used for a lot of different reasons. I’m sure the individual who designed and created them knew exactly what they were designed to do.
There’s one very unusual tool, a large set of tongs, that I like to ask people if they know what it is used for. Very few can answer, but the tongs are used to pick up and move railroad ties. If you’ve ever moved railroad ties, you know how dirty, messy, and heavy they can be. But this tool makes it easy to pick them up and move them around.
“Have you ever pondered and realized that you and I were also designed for a distinct purpose?”
Have you ever pondered and realized that you and I were also designed for a distinct purpose? That you and I were created in the likeness of God? I believe that many people go through life and never connect with the One who created them. They never have the opportunity to experience a whole new way of living and walk out their purpose in stride with Him.
Those who come through our doors may feel defined by their mistakes or difficulties, but our desire at UGM is to share the hope of Him whose image we all bear. If one accepts the love of their Creator, they can experience transformation from the inside out. The gospel is the God piece to our mind and heart. We are instructed to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Scripture says, ‘As a man thinks, so he is.’ For many, the God piece means thinking about life from a different perspective and experiencing what God designed them for.
“Since this ministry started 73 years ago, our commitment to loving people and seeing God change their lives has been front and center.”
I’m so grateful that since this ministry started 73 years ago, our commitment to loving people and seeing God change their lives has been front and center. There is great joy in knowing that thousands of souls through UGM have connected or reconnected with the One who designed them.
Your partnership helps that happen in our shelters, our classrooms and clinics, the churches that welcome our residents with open arms, even on the floors at our Thrift Stores, and each summer at UGM Camp. My prayer is that every person we encounter will know the Lord and discover their unique purpose in this world.
Thank you for partnering in this ministry with us.
This article was also published in the Spring 2024 Mission News.
3 min read
Beverly Bergstrom is a front desk volunteer for our Spokane administrative office. She and her husband had donated to UGM for years, and one day,...
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