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robin-article-2Are you familiar with the game Jenga? It’s a tall tower of blocks where each player attempts to remove one single block without toppling the tower. Of course, eventually the weakened structure crashes. When one of Robin’s teachers used a Jenga tower as an illustration of what had happened in her life, it made sense. Rather than building solidly block upon block, holes had been created through abuse and neglect until the structure of her life simply could not hold. Everything came crashing down. The teacher then asked Robin to draw a picture of what a whole, restored life would look like for them. Robin drew a slightly lopsided heart. She colored outside the lines because she wanted to remind herself that it wasn’t about being perfect. A strong vine, representing the presence of Christ in her life, wrapped securely around the heart, and flowers were beginning to bloom. Because, Robin said, life can be beautiful again.

Expo '74's legacy: A reflection on homelessness in Spokane

3 min read

Expo '74's legacy: A reflection on homelessness in Spokane

As we continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Expo ’74, I want to take a look back in time. As a high school student, I heard about how the...

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Life Recovery Commencement: Freedom from addiction

6 min read

Life Recovery Commencement: Freedom from addiction

Freedom From Addiction Every June, we invite the community to Commencement, a celebration of the incredible successes of the individuals who’ve...

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Gratitude In Action: A heart-to-heart message from Phil Altmeyer

2 min read

Gratitude In Action: A heart-to-heart message from Phil Altmeyer

Give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) I’ve always marveled that one of the things God wills for our life...

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Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King

Debi Pauletto, Community Relations Director at the UGM Center for Women & Children in Coeur d’Alene, teaches a class on the beauty of being a woman....

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LeAnna - Lost

LeAnna - Lost

Throughout her life, LeAnna Vargas was repeatedly treated as though she had no value, and eventually, she began to believe she didn’t. Feeling...

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