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1 min read

Take Action: Give a Hand Up

Here are a few of the ways your gifts to UGM are helping people get back to work:


  • Vocational Education: In our learning centers, men and women are studying for their GEDs, learning computer skills, prepping for college, searching for jobs, receiving job coaching and polishing resumes.
  • Daily chores: Everyone staying at UGM shelters contributes in one way or another – laundry, kitchen duty, housekeeping, etc. – and, in the process, they practice basic job skills – being on time, dressing appropriately, following instructions and managing conflict.
  • Employment Ready Program: Participants receive specific instruction not only on how to get a job but how to keep one. Through case management, individual problem areas are identified and a plan of action is created.
  • Business Practicum: Recovery residents commit to 240 hours of unpaid employment at a local business, providing the opportunity to earn a good reference and rebuild both their resume and their confidence.


Expo '74's legacy: A reflection on homelessness in Spokane

3 min read

Expo '74's legacy: A reflection on homelessness in Spokane

As we continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Expo ’74, I want to take a look back in time. As a high school student, I heard about how the...

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Life Recovery Commencement: Freedom from addiction

6 min read

Life Recovery Commencement: Freedom from addiction

Freedom From Addiction Every June, we invite the community to Commencement, a celebration of the incredible successes of the individuals who’ve...

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Gratitude In Action: A heart-to-heart message from Phil Altmeyer

2 min read

Gratitude In Action: A heart-to-heart message from Phil Altmeyer

Give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) I’ve always marveled that one of the things God wills for our life...

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Imparting Skills and Confidence

Imparting Skills and Confidence

As a volunteer job coach at the Men’s Shelter, Randy Crews recognizes the importance of building confidence and preparing men to re-enter the...

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Business Partnerships

Business Partnerships

Omega Pacific Omega Pacific, a local manufacturer of climbing gear, has hired two men from UGM’s Employment Ready Program. Here, Director of...

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Learning to Get Back up

Learning to Get Back up

By Joel Brown, Vocational Education Manger Recently, I began teaching my 7-year-old daughter how to ride a two-wheel bike. She was extremely excited...

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