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Jim and Ken


5 min read

An Offering of Oil: When God Asks Imperfect People to Serve Imperfect People

Written by Lauren McCrea, Volunteer Mentor, UGM Center for Women & Children I just thought I was going in to buy a new pair of running shoes, but God...

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6 min read

Mentoring Through Recovery and Relapse

“I know that no matter what I throw at them, they are going to support me and love me and speak truth into my life.” - Laura, UGM Crisis Shelter Tom...

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4 min read

Meet UGM Ambassador Kristi Kinsinger

Getting involved at the Union Gospel Mission is easy - the hardest part is figuring out which of dozens of opportunities is the best fit for your...

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4 min read

Louise: My Relationship with Christ Is My Purpose

Louise is disciplined and faithful in her relationship with the Lord. She reads her Bible every day and keeps a list of things she is grateful for—a...

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1 min read

Jim and Cheryl Strandy: Investing in Change

“We are firm believers in organizations that take the time to change people’s lives.” – Jim Strandy

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1 min read

Offering True Friendship

For nearly two years, the men and women in UGM recovery live in an uplifting community where there is constant access to support, and then, they must...

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2 min read

Encouragement Empowers

“When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.” (Luke...

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1 min read

Aftercare: Bill and Jan Traynor

Bill and Jan Traynor were mentors before UGM had a mentor program. Several years ago they and other members from their church were preparing and...

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