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Once basic needs are met through UGM shelter services, individuals can face the issues that have perpetuated their unwanted situation. Through case management and employment therapy, they form a plan that will move them toward new life. Bethany is part of our Employment Ready Program, which offers holistic care and assistance to help her get back to work.

Heartache of Job Loss 

The loss of a job can be calamitous. It certainly was in Bethany’s case. She has not felt the same about life and work since losing her job in 2014. Life brought even more challenges when Covid hit.


Bethany worked at a hospital for ten years. Even though she was certified to be a medical assistant, she was employed as a secretary. When Bethany lost her job, she was devastated. Her husband worked for a time while she stayed home, but the trauma of job loss and Covid never really left her.


“We had been struggling to get back on our feet.”


“We had been struggling to get back on our feet,” Bethany explained. Online, she learned about the help that UGM gives to men, women, and children in need. She decided to come to the Women and Children’s Shelter in Spokane, while her husband went to Idaho for work. 

Bethany holds out hope that she and her husband will someday be reunited. 



Safety in the Midst of Anxiety 

Living in Spokane without her spouse causes Bethany to be anxious. She feels the lack of his presence daily. Additionally, she was diagnosed with a seizure disorder and wonders if she will ever be able to work again. She is not medicated for these seizures, as they aren’t epileptic, so she must carefully monitor her stress levels. When experiencing stress, Bethany loses focus easily. 


Today, she is facing the challenge of self-examination to find out what her stressors are. The safety and structure provided by UGM help limit her anxiety and provide a space for healing from trauma. One day, Bethany hopes to return to school to study art because it’s calming and provides an opportunity for self-expression.



A Loving and Supportive Environment

At UGM, she is learning how to keep up with her chores and stay informed about what’s happening in the world. Bethany is currently participating in the Employment Ready Program and is deeply appreciative that her case worker has helped her obtain necessary paperwork. She is working toward defining her goals, finding direction, and making a plan for her life. 


“They show the love of Christ consistently. You can see it in the volunteers, too.”

While living in the shelter, Bethany has been impressed with “the warmth and the ability to love Christ” in ways she had never witnessed before. When speaking about the staff at UGM, she shared, “They show the love of Christ consistently. You can see it in the volunteers, too.”

We pray that Bethany goes forth in life keeping her mind set on whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and commendable (Philippians 4:8). The opportunity for life change is only possible with the blessings of supportive community members like you. Thank you. 




Safety, a plan, and time. Learn more about UGM's pathway out of homelessness. >>

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