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1 min read

Volunteer Profile: Autumn Banks


When asked how volunteering at the Union Gospel Mission has impacted her, Autumn Banks said, “It humbles me…When I look at the women, I see myself – one divorce away from homelessness, one beating away from being kicked out and one addiction away…so I see them as me. I truly do.

“I tell the women at the Crisis Shelter, I don’t know why you’re here, but I know the One who brought you here, and that whatever has happened to you, God has worked His way in that you have been brought to this place,” she said.

In addition to teaching Bible studies at Anna Ogden Hall and the Crisis Shelter, Autumn is Gigi’s mentor. She wanted to make it clear, however, that she doesn’t equate being a mentor with being a perfect role model. “I really think it’s a partnership more than anything. It’s just saying, I’m standing in the wake for you. You can glean from what I’ve experienced and go on your journey, knowing that God has sent someone to love you and to be with you.

“I may present like I have it all together, but I tell Gigi often, I’m broken. I’m as broken as you are. I’m just at a little different place because of my life experiences, but there’s no difference between us.”

If you’re interested in becoming a mentor, please contact Kari Reese (509-532-3856 or

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