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Jim and Ken

homelessness today

2 min read

Expo '74's legacy: A reflection on homelessness in Spokane

As we continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Expo ’74, I want to take a look back in time. As a high school student, I heard about how the...

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4 min read

Moving Forward: Three different pathways into hope and healing

At UGM, we don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach. Men, women, and children come to our doors from vastly different situations, with different...

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1 min read

Whatever You Do, Don't Give Up: A message from UGM shelter guests

If you’ve never experienced homelessness, abuse, or addiction or walked closely alongside someone facing those challenges, chances are you're never...

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4 min read

“There is always a way out”: Words of hope from Debra, Bennie, and Sabra

For our neighbors caught in cycles of homelessness, abuse, and addiction, we want to share the message that there is a way out. There is hope for a...

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4 min read

Time, Talent, Treasure: How you can partner to end homelessness

You’ve heard it said before: UGM would not be what it is without people like you investing their unique giftings and resources to reach our neighbors...

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Homelessness Today

2 min read

Homelessness Today: Why Housing First Isn't Working

Each year, as the November elections approach, our staff members and volunteers are often asked about the homeless crisis in Spokane. Why is the...

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What I really needed

4 min read

“What I really needed…” Former Addicts Discuss the Choice to Change.

We know people need love. People need a safe community, connections to housing, medical care, and jobs. They need to know they’re not alone, they’re...

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4 min read

Homelessness Today: Why It’s Hard to Accept Help

Think for a moment about a time when you faced a life-altering choice. The hours and days before the decision can feel like you’re staring down two...

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