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3 min read

UGM Church Partners: Raising Kids to Serve

Churches and youth groups all across the Inland Northwest (and beyond!) are using summer break as an opportunity to teach young people to see and serve the needs in their community. We connected with five of the youth groups who have recently made an impact in the lives of our guests. 

Sun City

Sun City Youth has made Union Gospel Mission a part of their outreach efforts for several years. This year, they sent a multi-generational team to wash cars, scrub windows, do yard work, and help at our Thrift Stores. 
The kids had a lot to say about their experience. 
“It was a great atmosphere there, and the smiles were really authentic.” - David

“It went really well. I thought it was great because we weren't just doing work. We were serving God and His people so it wasn't like torture, and with the people I was with—the laughter and everything—I could've been there all day because of our experience. Overall it was amazing”- Gramm

“It felt good to know that I was helping people that were hurting or in need.”- Hudson

Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer Youth Ministries has served at Union Gospel Mission twice this summer! In July, the high school youth group came and did a service project at the Crisis Shelter. They cleaned all the windows and heater vents and performed many other helpful chores.
The middle school youth group came that evening and helped in the kitchen and engaged with the residents at a fun-filled Bingo night!
 This month, both groups braved the extreme heat and spent two whole days learning about UGM and serving meals, cleaning, connecting with guests, and more!
Christ the Redeemer 7
“During my time at UGM, I learned just how much God helps and uses the most unlikely people in His plan. I met a woman who had the most terrible past, but God brought her to UGM and brought her to Him. He had lead her to try to become a biblical counselor for those who have gone through some of the same things. God really does care about every single person, no matter how insignificant they think they might be!” - Joslyn
“I learned just how much God helps and uses the most unlikely people in His plan.” - Joslyn

JUMP Community Youth Group

JUMP Community Youth Group from Chinook, Montana spent a day at the Men's Shelter in early August. They learned all about serving our friends in need, and got to hear some of their stories while sharing a meal. They have served at various UGM locations throughout the years. 

IMG_2881The leadership sent us this message after they returned home:

“As leaders and a group, we choose to try and volunteer at UGM whenever we can because we like the way you treat and care for the whole person for long term solutions. While emergency help is needed, it doesn't offer a solution or way out of the situation for most. At UGM, we see people being accountable for their own success, using the tools you provide. We have always found the staff and residents to be wonderful to work with as well, and you do a great orientation for our group that really helps our kids know who and why they are helping.”

“I found Union Gospel Mission to be really cool. The program is such a good way to get people struggling back on their feet.” - JUMP student

“UGM is really such a cool place, and I'm glad we got to work with them and meet new people. I like how the residents are allowed to stay as long as they do the chores and stay clean [off drugs].” - JUMP student


The Crossing 

The Crossing Youth Ministries from Moscow, Idaho sent a power team to our facilities in Spokane. They spent the day serving at several locations, washing cars, serving meals, sorting donations, and tidying our newly renovated Men's Shelter chapel. 


Calvary Chapel South

Tribe Youth Ministry from Calvary Chapel South in Kent, Washington even crossed the mountains to serve in the Men's Shelter kitchen. 


We have been so blessed by hundreds of hardworking kids. We want this to be a huge shout out to all of them. 



You've helped the ministry run smoothly and, more importantly, you've made our guests feel seen, known, loved, and IMPORTANT. Keep up the good work!

And to the leaders, well done. When we pass on the gift of serving others, we don't only offer help to those in need, we cultivate a God-honoring sense of purpose in the next generation. God made us to live in community, to pitch in where needed, to uplift one another, and to shine the love of Christ at every turn. 


Mark your calendars for World Homeless Day 2022. 

We'll meet downtown, walk the streets, and spread the message that there are people who care.

Join us on World Homeless Day (10/10). Learn more >>




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