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3 min read

UGM Motors Sales Manager: Tom Frederick

Tom Frederick recently took the title of Sales Manager at UGM Motors, but he has held several positions since arriving at UGM. Here, Tom shares about his experience at the Motors and about his life outside of work.

First a word from Tom’s boss, Jim Stroh, Manager of the UGM Motors.

Four years ago, Tom came to the Motors highly recommended by Curt Woodard (Motor’s staff) and others. It’s always a challenge to hire someone new, but when God led Tom to the Motors, it was a blessing from the beginning.

He started as our Transportation Specialist, and what a job he did. There wasn’t a vehicle he couldn’t pick up, and his speed was incredible. As he continued in that position, it was apparent that he was an exceptionally well-rounded person with a good understanding of the industry. He had the ability to communicate with a wide variety of people—staff, donors, volunteers, just about anyone. Tom represented the Motors and the Mission very well.

His real skill set wasn’t apparent until about two years ago. We were in our peak sales season with an overwhelming number of people consistently on our lot. The Sales staff needed help.  At that time, there was a decrease in the number of donated vehicles to be picked up, so Tom gladly assisted us.

Well, as I calculated the number of vehicles sold during the time Tom helped, there was a definite increase, and he was involved in a large majority of those sales. It became apparent that he had the essential skills and talents that would benefit our Sales Department.

From then on, he became part of the Sales Department, first as a Sales Associate and now as our Sales Manager. He is a great asset to the Motors and to the Mission.Sales Manager at UGM Motors


Loving Jesus, People, and Cars


What do you enjoy about working at UGM Motors and your job specifically?

I enjoy seeing the gifts of the community coming through our lot, and the wonder of how God is working in their hearts to give. Mostly, I enjoy the people. My brothers and sisters here at the Motors and all of the connections with customers I’ve been able to make over the years.


In what ways have you had the opportunity to see the impact of what you do? 

A great illustration of why we are here can be seen at the UGM Recovery program Graduation ceremony, but also through the testimonies of customers, donors and co-workers who have been through the Mission’s programs.


How long have you been at UGM Motors? What drew you to the ministry in the first place?

This year marks the beginning of my fifth year here at the Motors. I am a carpenter by trade, and as the market declined, I found myself looking for work. I have always had a passion for and some experience in the automotive industry, so it seemed like a natural option. It wasn’t until I got here and discovered what was in store for me that I realized that God had led me here!

UGM Motors Sales Manager

If you were going to describe what makes UGM Motors special in 5 words, what would you say?

Christlikeness, humility, integrity, teamwork, hope.


What do you like to do in your free time?

I enjoy hiking and riding my mountain bike or my motorcycle through the woods and exploring the outdoors.


Tell us a bit about your family/your background/your personal story.

I have two wonderful boys, 23 and 26 years old. I started and ran a specialty contracting business in new, residential construction. At that time, as a young man who thought he had all the answers, I drifted away from God, relying on myself instead. It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom that I came back to our loving Father for guidance. His gentle, guiding love brought me into this nurturing environment.


Have you always loved cars?

Yes I have. As long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with driving, repairing, body and paint work, and the history of automobiles.


Who inspires you?

My inspiration comes from so many people and life experiences, but mostly, the peace I find in calling Jesus my personal Savior.


What’s one aspect of your job that people might find surprising?

The thing that surprised me the most when I joined this team is the number of vehicles that this community consistently gives to support the ministry. On average, we accept around 60 vehicles per month.


What’s the best deal on the lot right now?

Hands down, the 1955 Caddy. For $5000 you can own a 60 year-old piece of American history—interior already finished, runs smooth! Not many opportunities in life like this one. 

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