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2 min read

Why I Bought My Car at UGM Motors

I recently bought a 2003 Honda Element with 127,000 miles at UGM Motors for $6,700. I looked around a bit on Craigslist first, but I didn’t go to any other dealers. Here’s why.

Barbara with Honda Element from UGM Motors



I work at UGM

Kind of a no-brainer, but it’s not because I get some crazy employee discount. (I think they gave me $100 off the sticker price.) I bought my car at UGM Motors because I’m in marketing. I’m constantly asking people to donate/shop/save, and I cannot ask you to do something I do not do myself.

 So I shop at UGM Thrift Stores. I donate my clothes and household items. I give financially. I get my car fixed at UGM Motors, and when our last car met an untimely death, we called up the UGM Motors website.


I needed a good deal 

My husband was out of work for several months last year. I work for a nonprofit. We’re committed to not making car payments, and so our price range was fairly limited. I knew I would find reliable cars and low prices at UGM Motors.



I love Curt. He has sold us two or three cars now, and I know his heart is to serve his customers. If possible, he wants to find a car that fits your needs at a price you can afford. He’s not trying to meet a sales goal or up his commission. He’s kind. He’s patient. He never pressures you. If he doesn’t know the answer, he’ll find it. He tells you everything he knows about the car. It’s a transparent transaction.


I trust the mechanics and detailers

 Those guys take this verse seriously: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Col. 3:23-24)


They’re not just part of a business; they’re part of a ministry. They won’t put a vehicle on the sales lot that they don’t feel good about, and that gives me peace of mind.



 Always kind and gracious, Dionne is all about customer service. She wants to make your experience at UGM Motors enjoyable. Plus, she’s super-efficient and detail-oriented. You know she’s going to have your paperwork in order.Dionne at UGM Motors

On top of her kindness and efficiency, several years ago, Dionne went through UGM Women’s Recovery. Today, with her own life on track, she’s giving back at UGM Motors. I love knowing that my purchase is helping to finance recovery and other services at UGM.


Devon and Avery

These two were having lunch in the dining room at the Men’s Shelter recently. What could be better than having the purchase of your car help UGM put food on the table for people who are struggling to make ends meet and welcome those who have no place else to go? Devon and Avery eat at UGMI get a reliable car. UGM gets funding for services to the homeless. Such a deal!



 When you donate your vehicle to UGM Motors, they recondition it and folks like Barbara buy it, everybody wins. Click below to learn about how easy it is to donate your vehicle.


Donate Your Vehicle. Click to start. >>

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