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Jim and Ken

help the homeless

4 min read

After the Fire: Relentless provision for Anita

Anita and her son’s family were victims of the formidable Oregon Fire in Elk this past August. On her journey from upheaval back to stability, Anita...

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3 min read

World Homeless Day 2023

Every year on October 10, there’s a chance to stop and reflect on the needs and struggles of our hurting community. To recognize that there are...

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2 min read

Go and Do Likewise: a heart-to-heart message from Phil Altmeyer

“But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.” (Luke 10:33) Although the paths that brought...

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4 min read

Relief vs. Development: Diagnosing Causes

Editor’s Note: Pastor John Repsold, whose downtown Spokane church Mosaic Fellowship includes ministry to people experiencing homelessness, presented...

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4 min read

Love Your Homeless Neighbor

“If we are to love our neighbors, before doing anything else we must see our neighbors. With our imagination as well as our eyes, that is to say like...

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4 min read

Does Poverty Cause Homelessness?

Editor's note: In addition to being a wife, mother of eight children, a staff member with Cru, and a graduate student, Marchauna Rodgers is a...

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3 min read

Hospitality to Strangers

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. - Hebrews 13:2 Patti...

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5 min read

Homeless and Nowhere to Be

Kari had been walking for four days. Literally. She wasn’t going anywhere. She didn’t need the exercise. She was walking because her life had come to...

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WHD Diane Crisis Shelter featured

3 min read

Trauma, Time, Trust: Helping Homeless Women

By Diane Hutton, Director, Crisis Shelter for Women and Children - Women often come into the shelter for the first time very fearful, broken and...

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Caleb headshot-featured

3 min read

Five Tips from a Used Car Salesman

Caleb Unruh is not your typical used car salesman, for several reasons. His background, for one: When it became clear that his initial dream of being...

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Phillip Reese

6 min read

What Homeless People Want You to Know

Editor's note: For World Homeless Day, 10.10.18, we’re turning the keyboard over to a few of our current and former residents. Who better to explain...

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Matt Lewis helps the homeless at UGM, sharing the passionate love of a good God at the Men's Shelter.

8 min read

Pursued and Loved by a Good God

Matt Lewis has worked with the guests at the Men’s Shelter a little more than a year – first as a resident advisor and now as day desk supervisor....

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Mike worked hard for decades in manual labor. His body can no longer do the only kind of work he's ever known, and he ended up homeless.

3 min read

Homelessness: A Case Study

“All my needs were met when I got here. The food, the shelter, and the fellowship. … I tried to do it on my own, and I couldn’t do it.” - Mike Mike...

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9 min read

No Gray Areas: Inside the Payroll Office

Anne Graves’ working world is black and white. Well, not in the sense that she doesn’t enjoy color – her wardrobe suggests quite the opposite. But...

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The Pacific Coast Mission held chapel services and served meals to homeless men.

3 min read

A Brief History of UGM, Part 1: 1951 to 1987

In the autumn of 1951, a group of businessmen from Spokane attended a dinner hosted by Albert Arend, where they heard testimony from a former...

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Ron and UGM kids May 09.jpg

4 min read

Homeless and Fatherless

As a regular volunteer at the Crisis Shelter, Ron noticed a pattern in many of the homeless women and children he served: Dad wasn’t in the picture....

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2 min read

What You Should Know About Helping the Homeless

Perhaps you saw one of our volunteers holding a sign that said #EndHomelessness or Homeless Human on World Homeless Day. And you’re wondering just...

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Ron Hauenstein visits with ladies from the Crisis Shelter for Women & Children

2 min read

I Resolve to Help the Homeless

By Merrily Brast, Staff Writer "Each and every one of you have the ability to make a profound and beautiful difference in the lives of somebody that...

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