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Jim and Ken

holistic recovery

5 min read

Embracing Life’s Twists & Turns: A Path of Hope in Recovery

Completing the 5-phase Life Recovery program marks the beginning of a life of recovery outside the walls of UGM. Individuals embark on a lifelong...

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3 min read

UGM Connect: Renewing the Mind, Rewiring the Brain

As Mental Awareness month comes to an end this May, we'd like to share about the recent UGM Connect in Coeur d’Alene. We're grateful for the...

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1 min read

Whatever You Do, Don't Give Up: A message from UGM shelter guests

If you’ve never experienced homelessness, abuse, or addiction or walked closely alongside someone facing those challenges, chances are you're never...

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3 min read

What is a UGM Business Practicum?

At Union Gospel Mission, we want more for our neighbors experiencing homelessness than just a job, free meals, or temporary respite from extreme...

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1 min read

Clean-and-Sober Summer Fun in UGM LIFE Recovery

You’ve heard us say it before: part of Recovery is having fun, sober! Men and women who come to UGM for help breaking self-destructive patterns such...

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8 min read

Tristan’s Pathway to Recovery, Phase by Phase

Tristan was living on a front porch. Over the course of eight years, his life had progressed from one devastation to another. “It started back when I...

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3 min read

A Place to Move on From

Sometimes Joe stops by my office to check in on me with a routine, “Hey, sister, how’s the family?” He’s not fazed by anything thrown at him—whether...

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3 min read

“Today, I’m Free”: UGM alumni discuss the road to recovery

For individuals dealing with overwhelming personal issues such as addiction, domestic violence, or a criminal record, UGM LIFE Recovery can be the...

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1 min read

A New Course for Life: A heart-to-heart message from Phil Altmeyer

“Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.” (Proverbs 4:13) It’s hard to think long term. In today’s culture of...

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4 min read

The Path to Lifelong Recovery

When UGM Spokane expanded to Coeur d’Alene in 2012, there were no other long-term recovery programs available for women and children in North Idaho....

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4 min read

Leor's Pathway Out of Homelessness

“I was sitting on a bench crying because I didn't know where we were going to go that night.” Leor lost her home when her husband passed away last...

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4 min read

Easter Devotional: Fixing our eyes on Jesus

A favorite athletic event for me has been the relay race. The athletes not only run their leg of the race but also receive, carry, and then hand off...

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There is Hope

3 min read

Where There Is Breath, There Is Hope: Hear From UGM Shelter Guests

If you’ve never experienced homelessness or a debilitating addiction, chances are you’ve struggled knowing what to say to someone in the midst of...

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5 min read

Young Fatherhood, Pain and Recovery: Eric’s Story

Eric Blackman was trying to live the party life. Alcohol, drugs and carefree days shaped his mid-twenties through early-thirties.

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4 min read

The Gospel: Where life transformation begins

You’ve probably heard us say it before, but we don’t want there to be any mistake: UGM cannot change a person’s heart. Only God can do that. True...

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5 min read

The Negative Split: Run for Recovery

UPDATE: Due to COVID-19, the Negative Split has been postponed until September 27. “Start strong. Finish stronger.” That’s the tagline for the...

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4 min read

The 'Whole Person' Approach to Recovery

Dr. John Wolfe’s family has partnered with UGM in one way or another for decades. His father was an advocate for getting medical clinics at UGM...

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5 min read

Generosity at UGM Thrift Stores

Laurie Johnson, “L.J.,” as she’s called at the UGM Thrift Store, is as dedicated a volunteer as they come. Over the years, she has volunteered with a...

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Aeriell Heather Kelly Amy running

3 min read

Running on the Road to Recovery

What in the world do running and homelessness have to do with each other? You might be surprised.

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Phillip Reese-1

3 min read

God changed me through UGM.

The following testimony was given by Phil Reese, UGM Recovery resident, on Easter Sunday. In January of 2017, I was nearing the end of a four-month...

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The Bible gives us the truth that is able to transform from the inside out.

4 min read

Beyond Sobriety to Life Transformation

By Kirste Richards, LIFE Recovery Intake Counselor, UGM Center for Women and Children - One of the first things a woman hears when she comes to a...

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linda with resident

4 min read

Recovery Changes People.

...and not always just the people you think. “In the interviewing process for potential staff, I always communicate that if they choose to accept...

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fall 2018 collage 3

2 min read

Real people. Real change.

On the surface, Mike, Debra, Justin and Samantha have seemingly nothing in common. Justin was born in Chicago with alcohol and meth in his system....

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6 min read

I am no one's Savior.

UGM Aftercare Manager Mike Doggett walks with residents as they transition out of our programs and back into society. He knows that if they can...

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