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1 min read

We are Thankful


“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” - Proverbs 19:17


My heart truly overflows with gratitude when I stop to think about how much this community cares for those who are hurting and broken, for those who are homeless and hungry. Your generosity doesn’t stop with the basics. Rather, you have chosen to give in a way that demonstrates dignity and respect to all who come through our doors, in a way that puts into practice the biblical principle of loving your neighbor as yourself. You are providing all the resources necessary for men, women and children on the fringes of our society to get a fresh start.

Thank you for believing that real life change is possible through Jesus Christ. We dedicate this newsletter, in tremendous gratitude, to all of you who have made this ministry possible, as well as to the men and women who have courageously chosen to walk the road of life transformation.

Phil Altmeyer
Executive Director


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