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Jim and Ken


4 min read

Recovery: You Can Be Sober and Still Be Miserable

By JoAnn Zajicek, Director of Women's Ministries I started my journey with UGM 10 years ago. Hard to believe. I vividly remember asking my supervisor...

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5 min read

Loved into New Life: Two Stories of Recovery

Meet Zach. Zach, 21, says he grew up at UGM. When he entered the Men’s Recovery program, he had dropped out of high school and never had a job. What...

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4 min read

Louise: My Relationship with Christ Is My Purpose

Louise is disciplined and faithful in her relationship with the Lord. She reads her Bible every day and keeps a list of things she is grateful for—a...

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5 min read

The Heart of Lifelong Recovery

By Mike Doggett, former Aftercare Manager - A little over 21 years ago, I consumed my last drink of alcohol and went on what has proved to be a very...

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The Bible gives us the truth that is able to transform from the inside out.

4 min read

Beyond Sobriety to Life Transformation

By Kirste Richards, LIFE Recovery Intake Counselor, UGM Center for Women and Children - One of the first things a woman hears when she comes to a...

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