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1 min read

The Breath of God

We are nearing one of my favorite times of the year: the celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead! He is risen. He is risen indeed. Without taking anything away from Easter, I’d like to shift our focus to another important event in the Christian calendar that comes 50 days later: Pentecost – the commemoration of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Phil-2-20Before his death, Jesus told his disciples: “I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go away. When I go away, I will send the Helper to you. If I do not go away, the Helper will not come.” (John 16:7)

When He was physically present on earth, Jesus was limited by time and space. He could not be everywhere at once, but the Holy Spirit can. In fact, as Christians, the Holy Spirit, “the Helper,” dwells within us. Even the disciples were not constantly with Jesus. He did not inhabit their minds and hearts. But that’s exactly what the Holy Spirit does.

“Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (I Corinthians 3:16)

“Helper” seems like a rather mild word, but don’t be fooled, there’s nothing mild about the Holy Spirit. He is likened to fire and wind. He is called the Intercessor, the Advocate, the Counselor, the Spirit of Truth. He was present at creation. He guides us, convicts us, convinces us, advocates for us, prays for us when we don’t know what to pray for ourselves and produces fruit in us.

The Holy Spirit is also called the “Breath of God,” an especially appropriate name in light of our newsletter cover story. Amanda said she was walking around like a dead person, devoid of any sense of right or wrong, and then God shocked her heart, breathed new life into her and started calling her home. She felt convicted. She wanted to do things differently. She had a hunger for the Bible. She felt assurance of her value to God. She wanted to live. The Spirit was at work in her. He led her to UGM. And now, she has the desire to let His light shine through her to others. Death to life.

The Spirit of God is at work, changing hearts, and breathing life. Thank you for providing an environment for Him to work.

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