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4 min read

Homelessness: Beneath the Surface

NO ONE DREAMS OF BEING HOMELESS… or enslaved to a drug. No one plans to spend their entire life trying to escape pain. Yet today, as many as 550,000...

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3 min read

Change Is Possible

We believe no one was created for mere survival on the streets, for an existence blurred by mind-numbing substances.

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When they read about other companies that provided Business Practicums for residents, they knew they wanted to get their growing business involved.

2 min read

Business Partners: Caramel Kitchen

Brad and Stephanie Hunter own Caramel Kitchen, a small business that makes delicious toppings and sauces from scratch. Beginning just over three...

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March 2019 cover featured

3 min read

A Resurrection Story

More than food, shelter or even the air we breathe, we need Jesus. That’s why the gospel is the cornerstone of UGM, holding up everything we do and...

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1 min read

We are in the Heart Business

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” - Proverbs 4:23 The heart. What an important, complicated, mysterious thing....

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3 min read

Moms and Kids Reunited

One of the most beautiful extensions of personal healing and recovery is the reunification and restoration of families. Moms get their children back....

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4 min read

Holistic Recovery

Rather than outward conformity to a new set of behaviors, UGM LIFE Recovery is about transformation from the inside out. From building healthy...

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2 min read


I remember the day very clearly. I was a junior at Northwest Nazarene University, walking across campus…I can even tell you the spot on campus where...

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1 min read

Partnering in Recovery: Family of Faith

15 years ago, Pastor Danny Green introduced UGM to Celebrate Recovery, a Christocentric approach to addiction recovery.

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1 min read

Meeting the Need: Heritage Health

While the Union Gospel Mission has been providing childcare since it opened Anna Ogden Hall back in 1971, the majority of energy and resources have...

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1 min read

We are Thankful - To Those who Give Their Time

Lorna is a retired nurse practitioner who serves at the UGM Center for Women & Children in Coeur d’Alene, treating colds, flu and respiratory...

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1 min read

We are Thankful - To Those who Give Their Resources

Jack Kendrick and his wife, Linda, got involved at Anna Ogden Hall more than 12 years ago after their daughter challenged them to reach out to people...

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Milan and Gladys DeRuwe.cropped

1 min read

A Legacy of Education

Milan DeRuwe grew up on a sheep farm in Southeast Washington. He knew his dad hoped he would take over the family business, but Milan dreamed of...

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3 min read

I was defeated.

You showed me grace. Kevin Kevin Schmieder has relapsed twice in the process of recovery. “My first stay at UGM was in 2011. I knew something needed...

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Phil cross small.jpg

2 min read

Perfectionism is the enemy of recovery

When it comes to failure, the question is not if but when. We all fail. Every. Single. Day. Sometimes those failures are the result of taking healthy...

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3 min read

I was trapped.

You helped me find freedom. Freedom. Stop for a moment and think about that word. What does it mean to you? Do you feel truly and deeply free? Have...

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phil for fb link

2 min read

The Freedom to Say "No"

The interviews for this month’s cover story yielded some great insight on the subject of freedom. Particularly intriguing to me was how drastically...

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2 min read

Go and Make Disciples

Myth: To be a person who disciples others, you have to have it all together. Truth: No one has it all together. Myth: Only a select group of...

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1 min read

Church Connections: Coeur d'Alene Bible Church

Kurt Staeuble, pastor of Coeur d’Alene Bible Church, took a few minutes to explain his church’s involvement with the UGM Center for Women and...

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1 min read

Take Action: Gift Cards

It’s hard to overestimate the happiness that accompanies a gift card for one of our guests. It may look like a bit of plastic, but it’s actually a...

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Phil serving lunch small-1

1 min read

Both Kinds of Bread

The word “bread” is often used as a synonym for sustenance. “Bread and water” describe the bare minimum given to prisoners in dungeons of old. The...

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1 min read

It's Complicated

Homelessness does not happen overnight, and it will not be solved overnight. Taking a homeless person and putting him into an apartment will not...

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2 min read

The Power of Forgiveness

“Jesus was tough on sinners who refused to forgive other sinners. In the final sum, we give grace because we’ve been given grace.” – Max Lucado If...

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1 min read

Afternoon of Hope: Kootenai County Officials Support UGM

The Afternoon of Hope luncheon at the Center for Women & Children in Coeur d’Alene featured what at first glance might seem like a rather unusual...

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