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Phil Altmeyer

1 min read

The Breath of God

We are nearing one of my favorite times of the year: the celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead! He is risen. He is risen indeed. Without...

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2 min read

Meaningful Investment

“I think we’re all made to find our significance by being attached to the ultimate. All human beings are created to attach their tiny, little lives...

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1 min read

Stop the Lies

“You’re stupid.” “You will never amount to anything.” “You’re a failure.” When you’ve grown up hearing lies, you begin to believe them. Your mind and...

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1 min read

The Homeless Crisis in Downtown Spokane

As I reflect back on 2018, my overwhelming reaction is one of gratitude: gratitude for God’s faithfulness, your partnership, the lost who have come...

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1 min read

Speak Truth. Speak Life.

I had a teacher in sixth grade who thought she’d motivate me to try harder in school by giving me straight Ds. It didn’t motivate me. Quite the...

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1 min read

The Truth of Easter

“If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, who could stand?” This is the Gospel. All of humanity is under a curse. No matter how hard we try, we can...

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Phil Heart to Heart.jpg

1 min read

Strengthen and Solidify

2017 was a year of strengthening and solidifying ministry work throughout UGM. Frankly, it all started by identifying some weak areas and...

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2 min read


I remember the day very clearly. I was a junior at Northwest Nazarene University, walking across campus…I can even tell you the spot on campus where...

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2 min read

First Impressions

This story has become a bit of an urban legend, but its veracity is authenticated by

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2 min read

There is Always Hope

We have been using the slogan “Hope starts here” for years now, and I’ve always thought I got it, but after a recent trip to a major metropolitan...

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phil for fb link

2 min read

The Freedom to Say "No"

The interviews for this month’s cover story yielded some great insight on the subject of freedom. Particularly intriguing to me was how drastically...

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1 min read

Good Work

There’s a good kind of tired. You know what I mean? That kind of tired where you’ve put in a full day of hard, physical work. You got dirty. You...

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2 min read

Go and Make Disciples

Myth: To be a person who disciples others, you have to have it all together. Truth: No one has it all together. Myth: Only a select group of...

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2 min read


“And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness…” Deuteronomy 8:2.

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Phil serving lunch small-1

1 min read

Both Kinds of Bread

The word “bread” is often used as a synonym for sustenance. “Bread and water” describe the bare minimum given to prisoners in dungeons of old. The...

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1 min read

It's Complicated

Homelessness does not happen overnight, and it will not be solved overnight. Taking a homeless person and putting him into an apartment will not...

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2 min read

The Power of Forgiveness

“Jesus was tough on sinners who refused to forgive other sinners. In the final sum, we give grace because we’ve been given grace.” – Max Lucado If...

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2 min read

The Opposite of Denial

I’m amazed at what can change in a person’s life in a little over a year’s time when he or she aggressively pursues recovery. Consider the cover...

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1 min read

Being Barnabas

“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering,”...

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1 min read

Hospitality to the Homeless

Here are the words of Jesus my staff and I are focusing on this fall: “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you...

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1 min read

Storytelling God-Style

“There are no safe paths in this part of the world” – the wizard Gandalf in master storyteller J.R.R. Tolkien’s tale, The Hobbit.

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1 min read

Equal Measures

I have an antique brass level sitting in my office where I will see it frequently and be reminded of the importance of balancing two essential...

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2 min read

A Little Goes a Long Way

We had a sod party last month to prepare for the opening of the new Center for Women and Children in Idaho. Lots of people showed up, and as they...

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1 min read

Phil on Veterans

Recently, my wife, Caryl, and I were sitting in a Florida airport waiting for a flight back to Spokane when a group of twenty to thirty uniformed...

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