3 min read
Volunteers Providing Welcome
UGM’s volunteer case managers stand on the frontlines of ministry, offering listening ears and wise counsel to men and women in crisis.
For a child, living in a homeless shelter presents special challenges: You’re most likely sharing a room, so where do you find a quiet place to do your homework? How do you have friends over? What will other kids think? Where do you get school clothes, supplies and spending money?
We can’t take away all the challenges, but with your help, we can make sure each child living in our shelters has a backpack and school supplies. Together, we can set these kids up for academic success.
Will you purchase a sturdy backpack and/or gift cards so that we can make sure the kids living in our shelters have the specific supplies their classroom teacher requires? $10 cards to the following conveniently located stores would be most helpful:
(While our little kids love super heroes and Barbie, please remember our middle and high school residents, as well.)
Drop off backpacks and gift cards to 1224 E Trent in Spokane or 196 W Haycraft in Coeur d’Alene, and they will be distributed to the children living in our shelters.
3 min read
UGM’s volunteer case managers stand on the frontlines of ministry, offering listening ears and wise counsel to men and women in crisis.
2 min read
We are a forgetful people. We forget how broken the world is in which we live. We forget how much we are loved by a good God. We forget the sinister...
2 min read
Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. “The Lord your God is in your midst. A mighty one who will save.” (Zeph. 3:17)...
“I can go without. But I will not let my daughter sleep on the streets.” Kylee shows the desperation and resolve of a homeless mom with a...
Christ the Redeemer Church has been a long-time and faithful supporter of the Union Gospel Mission. Feeling called to reach its neighborhood, West...
In January, the Crisis Shelter for Women and Children celebrated its 10th anniversary, and thanks to many of you, they did it in a newer, much...