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Jim and Ken


3 min read

Winning Essay: What I Wish People Knew About Homelessness

"Being homeless doesn't make you less of a person." UGM Men's Shelter resident

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3 min read

We Asked Shelter Residents to Define Grace

Union Gospel Mission seeks to provide a safe, healing environment where grace flows freely. Grace is the foundation for everything we do. God...

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5 min read

Women's Recovery: Reflecting the God Who Sees

As UGM's Women's Lead LIFE Recovery Counselor, Jana Ross helps dozens of women and children every week who are suffering from the effects of trauma,...

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5 min read

Emily: Living Life Loved

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5 Emily was in a dark, dark place. Her addiction ended her 14-year...

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6 min read

Confessions of a Good Girl

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” – 1 John 1:8. I have pretty much always been a good girl. I grew up...

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3 min read

The Problem with Self-Improvement

I am highly susceptible to self-improvement plans, especially those that lay out steps to success: Do these 5 things and you will be a better wife,...

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2 min read

Learning about Grace and Truth

Almost exactly two years ago, I came to Union Gospel Mission at a time when I was learning what felt like extremely hard (but extravagantly...

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profile of a man in a dark room

2 min read

What Is a "Grace-Based" Environment?

By John Dunne, former UGM Recovery Counselor “Hey, I hear they got this thing called ‘grace’ down at the Mission, so I guess you can get away with...

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3 min read

UGM Camp: Treasuring At-Risk Kids

Two weeks into camp and amazing things are already taking place. The following are two incredible stories written by UGM Camp Photographer/Blogger...

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2 min read

The Beauty of God's Love

By Merrily Brast, former Staff Writer “You are worse than you think you are, but also far more loved than you feel you are.” –Timothy Keller

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2 min read

The Resolution to Change

By Merrily Brast, Former Staff Writer Making ambitious resolutions is a New Year’s tradition for many of us. And while the end of January marks the...

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3 min read

I Was Ashamed

I was ashamed, and you lifted my head. Christian was once interviewed for an article in Salon Magazine entitled, “Nazi Family Values: Chewing the fat...

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Phil and Caryl cropped

1 min read

A Christmas Irony

By Phil Altmeyer Executive Director Christmas – what’s not to love? Family and old friends gathered together around a roaring fire. Sledding....

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3 min read

Father's Day 2012

“He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers…” – Malachi 4:6 “Everything was...

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