3 min read
Volunteers Providing Welcome
UGM’s volunteer case managers stand on the frontlines of ministry, offering listening ears and wise counsel to men and women in crisis.
featured in the March 2012 newsletter
Shanna, 34, and her two children, Alex, 12, and Esther, 8, came to the Crisis Shelter in November of last year after being evicted from their apartment. Shanna had reached the 5-year limit on her Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and so the family of three had been attempting to survive on Alex’s Social Security – just under $700 per month – plus food stamps and medical assistance. They had fallen behind on their rent.
The children were in school when Shanna came home from an appointment to discover that she could not get back into their home. The property manager told her she was trespassing and had to leave. In the end, after calling the police, Shanna was allowed back in to get her son’s medication and their cat. Nothing else. They came to the Crisis Shelter with only the clothes on their backs.
For the past several weeks, Shanna, Alex and Esther have been living in one of the shelter’s rooms with another mom and her two children. They have shelter, food, clothing and time to figure things out. While at the shelter, Shanna has completed classes on finding a job, creating a resume, money management, being a responsible renter and how to parent with love and logic. She and the children are attending chapel and church services several times a week and working around the Crisis Shelter facility.
Shanna said she feels like she is being called to get her act together but also experiencing grace and acceptance. “I’m not by myself. There is Someone looking after me.”
3 min read
UGM’s volunteer case managers stand on the frontlines of ministry, offering listening ears and wise counsel to men and women in crisis.
2 min read
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I was homeless and you gave me A SAFE PLACE.
Tim Hepper began volunteering at the UGM Crisis Shelter four years ago shortly after his wife died. “There was a hole in my life that I knew only God...
Five years ago this month, the Union Gospel Mission opened the Crisis Shelter for Women and Children at 1234 E Sprague. In its first year, the...