3 min read
Volunteers Providing Welcome
UGM’s volunteer case managers stand on the frontlines of ministry, offering listening ears and wise counsel to men and women in crisis.
“If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, who could stand?”
This is the Gospel.
All of humanity is under a curse. No matter how hard we try, we can never be truly pure, kind and good. We are blind to the goodness of God. We rebel against His authority in our lives, and we care more about our own self-interest than the interests of others. The Bible calls us wicked, evil, lovers of darkness and describes our hearts as hard and our necks as stiff. And because of all this, we are separated from God, the author of love, beauty, truth and all good things.
Still, amazingly, He loves us. And, so, He created a way back into relationship with Himself. He became man, lived a perfect life, modeled faithfulness and obedience, and allowed Himself to be sacrificed in our place. He suffered the consequences of our wrongdoing, so that we might be forgiven, and in that place – where our sins are separated as far as the east is from the west – we fall into His arms, loved and treasured.
This is the good good news. It’s good news for Jolene and her children. It’s good news for all the people walking through our doors. And it’s good news for you and me.
I am desperately in need of a Savior who enables me to live the life I’ve been called to live. I can’t do it on my own. I need the love and power of the Gospel, and on my journey, God has blessed me by allowing me to spend the last 31 years in a place where I see Him at work in the hearts of men and women every single day.
I am constantly reminded of the truth of Easter: Jesus is alive and well and moving in our midst.
He is risen. He is risen indeed.
“Put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption” (from Psalm 130).
This Easter is a perfect time to give someone the gift of hope. $12.94 gives three meals, a safe night's stay, and a chance to hear the Gospel.
3 min read
UGM’s volunteer case managers stand on the frontlines of ministry, offering listening ears and wise counsel to men and women in crisis.
2 min read
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