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Jim and Ken

6 min read

2023: A year of kindness

When we think back on the last year, there’s an overwhelming sense of goodwill and support from the Inland Northwest community that seems to only increase as the months go by. It’s as if there’s a collective effort to remind one another that there...

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2 min read

A God-Sent Place: Purpose and Community for Victor

Despite the chill of winter, Union Gospel Mission remains a warm haven for those seeking refuge. As the year comes to a close, UGM seeks to provide...

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2 min read

The True Light of Christmas

“In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overpower it.” (John 1:4-5)...

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General Store owner Bruce Barany and his sons, Tom and Miles with UGM's Danny Beard

2 min read

Partnering for a Purpose: The General Store’s Ongoing Support for UGM

Few stores in our community can light up the eyes like The General Store at Christmastime. It’s a staple for holiday shopping, embodying the working...

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4 min read

Home for Good: Restoring family bonds after addiction

Is there anything more cherished during the Christmas season than our families? The gifts, the candles, the carols, and the festive meals wouldn’t...

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2 min read

A Warm Welcome: Safety and connection for Belkis

In the last few years, we’ve served a growing number of immigrants and refugees from Venezuela in our shelters at UGM. The country suffers from a...

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UGM financial partners, vehicle donors, thrift store shoppers, volunteers

3 min read

A Thanksgiving Reflection: Our mission, your partnership

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, UGM Development Director Steve Ellisen pauses to reflect on our organizational core value of Thankfulness. His work...

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3 min read

Provision and Purpose: the gift of a meal

Offering someone a warm meal can bring about the unexpected. There’s something healing about the gift of food that kindles human connection and...

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4 min read

After the Fire: Relentless provision for Anita

Anita and her son’s family were victims of the formidable Oregon Fire in Elk this past August. On her journey from upheaval back to stability, Anita...

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4 min read

Safe Shelter and Opportunity: Meet Tyler, UGM Lead Resident Assistant

With the turn of the season, our attention shifts towards staying warm and preparing for the onset of frigid weather. Simmering soups in the kitchen,...

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2 min read

Breaking up with Addiction: a letter from a resident

UGM program resident Jessika wrote a “breaking up with addiction letter” and shared at the fall LIFE Recovery Phase Promotion. Women receiving...

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3 min read

World Homeless Day 2023

Every year on October 10, there’s a chance to stop and reflect on the needs and struggles of our hurting community. To recognize that there are...

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4 min read

Moving Forward: Three different pathways into hope and healing

At UGM, we don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach. Men, women, and children come to our doors from vastly different situations, with different...

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1 min read

Whatever You Do, Don't Give Up: A message from UGM shelter guests

If you’ve never experienced homelessness, abuse, or addiction or walked closely alongside someone facing those challenges, chances are you're never...

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2 min read

Go and Do Likewise: a heart-to-heart message from Phil Altmeyer

“But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.” (Luke 10:33) Although the paths that brought...

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2 min read

Everybody Has a Story: Meet UGM volunteers Bob and Sharon

As a case manager at the Men's Shelter, Bob McLellan says he’s become a better listener. “I used to be afraid to talk to homeless people on the...

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4 min read

“There is always a way out”: Words of hope from Debra, Bennie, and Sabra

For our neighbors caught in cycles of homelessness, abuse, and addiction, we want to share the message that there is a way out. There is hope for a...

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4 min read

Beyond UGM Camp: Local Churches Serve as Bridges from Camp to Home

Throughout Spokane's low-income neighborhoods, churches are partnering with UGM Youth Outreach to reach kids growing up in challenging circumstances,...

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2 min read

“What I loved about UGM Camp”: Hear from the kids you sponsored

The 2023 UGM Camp season has just wrapped up, and we have loads of messages from this summer's campers to share with you. Each week, on the fourth...

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4 min read

Reselling Goods, Rebuilding Lives: UGM Thrift Stores offer life change

Whether you’re outfitting a new college dorm or stocking up on cozy sweaters, if you’re shopping at a thrift store, chances are you’re after a good...

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3 min read

What is a UGM Business Practicum?

At Union Gospel Mission, we want more for our neighbors experiencing homelessness than just a job, free meals, or temporary respite from extreme...

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1 min read

Clean-and-Sober Summer Fun in UGM LIFE Recovery

You’ve heard us say it before: part of Recovery is having fun, sober! Men and women who come to UGM for help breaking self-destructive patterns such...

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3 min read

All About UGM Camp: A free gift to low-income kids

As camp season 2023 enters another fun-filled week, we wanted to take a step back and recognize the phenomenal community achievement that is UGM Camp.

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8 min read

Tristan’s Pathway to Recovery, Phase by Phase

Tristan was living on a front porch. Over the course of eight years, his life had progressed from one devastation to another. “It started back when I...

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3 min read

A Place to Move on From

Sometimes Joe stops by my office to check in on me with a routine, “Hey, sister, how’s the family?” He’s not fazed by anything thrown at him—whether...

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