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Jim and Ken

7 min read

Rachelle: Choosing Recovery with Kids

“It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. And it was the most changing thing.” Rachelle Miller is one of very few people to have completed UGM LIFE Recovery while raising four children. Many of the moms who enter the intensive residential...

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4 min read

Recovery: We Are All Broken

Conversations about “the poor and homeless” can quickly go off track. Our vocabulary and our frames of reference can lead us to the wrong assumptions...

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4 min read

Moving Forward

Meet Terry, Jordan and Teri, walking different pathways toward recovery.

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2 min read

An Irresistible Invitation

Sometimes I think of this ministry and all the resources you have provided like the great feast Jesus describes in the gospel of Luke. Because of...

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2 min read

Volunteer Features

Connected for Life A Mentor Feature Whole-person recovery isn’t a single decision, a season of sobriety or even completion of a 16-month program;...

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4 min read

Recovery: You Can Be Sober and Still Be Miserable

By JoAnn Zajicek, Director of Women's Ministries I started my journey with UGM 10 years ago. Hard to believe. I vividly remember asking my supervisor...

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2 min read

UGM Camp: 97 Hours Investing in Children

By Nathan Thiry, Growth Groups & Outreach Pastor at Faith Bible Church What does God do during the 97 hours of UGM Camp? Each member of Faith who is...

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3 min read

The Polarizing Topic of Homelessness [and the hot spot in the middle]

In 2006, toward the beginning of the Spokane region’s focused efforts on addressing homelessness, 1,592 individuals were counted in the annual...

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3 min read

Meet Kids Who Experienced Life Change at UGM Camp

Guest post by Christa Inouye, former Youth Outreach staff member While transformation in Christ happens throughout a lifetime, UGM Camp provides an...

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3 min read

The Yellow House: A Safe, Healing Environment for Moms and Kids

When a mom arrives at UGM with children in tow, we know her needs are going to be complex. She needs to know the little ones will be safe, she needs...

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3 min read

Intentional Fun: How UGM Camp Helps Kids Build a Better Future

Today’s kids don’t have it easy. They’ve endured two-plus years of pandemic life: isolation, inconsistency and a lot of unknowns; they’re growing up...

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5 min read

We Asked Homeless Men to Talk About Sin

Sin. What is it and why would a homeless shelter insist on talking about it? Sin is the divergence from the rules and order designed by God....

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5 min read

How the Gospel Brings Us Home

Guest post by UGM Aftercare Coordinator Dennis Roach A mythical story contains elements of fantasy and reality, a blend that sometimes pushes us to a...

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4 min read

Easter at the Mission: Shelter Guests Bring the Gospel Home

This Sunday, Christians around the world will celebrate Jesus’ miraculous resurrection. We will sing of our risen Savior, “He lives, He lives!” and...

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3 min read

The Love and Power of the Gospel

Guest post by UGM Staff Chaplain Sonny Westbrook, originally published March 15, 2016. The celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ...

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6 min read

The End of Striving: How the Gospel Brings Rest to the Weary

Since its foundation, Union Gospel Mission has existed to offer rest and nourishment to people coming in off the streets. A hot meal, a warm shower,...

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4 min read

Joy in the Darkness: How God Pursued Ruschell

“I came here looking to get out of the desperation and the shame and the pit that I was in.” For 46 years, Ruschell battled the abuse, addiction and...

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4 min read

Loved by a Good God

We are all so broken. Sin breaks us, not just our relationship with God, but our relationships with each other and with ourselves. Sin even fights...

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2 min read

The Ultimate Work

If you’ve been reading this column over the years, you know I think “work” is one of the best four-letter words around.

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2 min read

Feeding Hungry Souls

Meet Nick Damascus and Pastor Eric Blauer, UGM chapel providers who offer the love and healing of Jesus to wounded souls.

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6 min read

The Great Pain Escape

Pain: physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. No healthy person enjoys pain. Its whole purpose is to signal that something is...

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4 min read

Labels and Life Change: A Business Partner Feature

Art and Kaleen Coffey are members of the community who have made the most of their position as leaders in business and faith. Through their...

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4 min read

Connect and Be Changed

Guest post by Lynn Yount, former UGM writer. Melissa Ashline has a lot of irons in the fire. She’s a nanny and a businesswoman and a mother of...

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5 min read

The Best Sermon I Ever Preached: One Homeless Man's Impact on a Local Pastor

Guest post by pastor Eric Blauer of Jacob's Well Church. My name is Eric Blauer and I met a man named James at Union Gospel Mission.

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5 min read

Deep Trauma, Deeper Healing

Underneath homelessness, we often find addiction and, underneath addiction, trauma. Trauma invades, wounds, hides and resurfaces, wreaking havoc...

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