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Jim and Ken

women (2)

Dedication of the UGM Center for Women & Children in CDA

Over 300 people came to celebrate the dedication of the new Center for Women and Children in Coeur d’Alene. Area mayors, county commissioners,...

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1 min read

UGM Volunteers Rock!

We wanted to give all our volunteers one giant collective hug, but we settled for a party. Here are just two of the amazing people who give so...

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3 min read

Contributing Members of Society

Since the implementation of the new grace-based recovery model at the Union Gospel Mission, 74% of graduates remain actively engaged in ongoing...

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2 min read

Me-Dependent vs. God-Dependent

In the waiting room of the law office where she now works, Gigi Leger described her old approach to life: “What I struggled with and what sent me...

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1 min read

Volunteer Profile: Autumn Banks

When asked how volunteering at the Union Gospel Mission has impacted her, Autumn Banks said, “It humbles me…When I look at the women, I see myself –...

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1 min read

UGM Idaho Hires Key Staff

The Union Gospel Mission is pleased to announce the hiring of JoAnn Zajicek (ZI-check) as Director and Debi Pauletto as Community Relations Director...

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3 min read

Father's Day 2012

“He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers…” – Malachi 4:6 “Everything was...

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2 min read

A Graduation Story

John and Trisha Whalen, who came from Montana to join the Union Gospel Mission recovery program, will be part of the graduation ceremony on June 19...

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1 min read

Pictures of Beauty

Are you familiar with the game Jenga? It’s a tall tower of blocks where each player attempts to remove one single block without toppling the tower....

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1 min read

How We Help Our Veterans

Soldiers risk their lives to preserve our freedom. They witness tragedy. They leave their families for months at a time. They drive their bodies and...

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Candice group small

3 min read


"But God will redeem me from the realm of the dead; he will surely take me to himself." – Psalm 49:15 Editor's Note: This blog post is from 2012, the...

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1 min read

Beautiful Consequences

"You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me." – Psalm 139: 5

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1 min read

Mashell's Story

At 25, the message of God’s love seemed like a foreign language to Mashell. She did not have the receptors to take it in. She believed, as she had...

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1 min read

Trish at Work

Trish's Direct Supervisor, Angela, guides her through tasks on the computer.

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