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Barbara Comito, former marketing director

Jim and Ken

4 min read

Come to the Rock: God’s Promise in Crisis

Does the earth beneath your feet feel a bit like it’s constantly shifting? You are essential. You are not essential. Support local business! Why are you risking everyone’s life by going to the store?! All we’re asking you to do is stay home and...

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3 min read

Bread and Water: a diet for the desperate

COVID-19 created some strange shortages – toilet paper being the first and most memorable. But bread was another, quickly followed by flour as people...

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1 min read

Easter 2020

Ever since my husband and I started a family more than 30 years ago, Easter has been a big deal at our house: New dresses for the little girls,...

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5 min read

Jessie: Hatred Fueled by Trauma & Neglect

Jessie hated homeless people. “I despised anyone who was living off the system. I blamed them for my life being hard. In a drunken rage, I threw beer...

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5 min read

Emily: Living Life Loved

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5 Emily was in a dark, dark place. Her addiction ended her 14-year...

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4 min read

The Gospel: Where life transformation begins

You’ve probably heard us say it before, but we don’t want there to be any mistake: UGM cannot change a person’s heart. Only God can do that. True...

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4 min read

What I learned from my homeless guests

Last fall, just before Thanksgiving, a couple acquaintances of mine were on the verge of homelessness. It was crazy timing. They didn’t know each...

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5 min read

The Negative Split: Run for Recovery

UPDATE: Due to COVID-19, the Negative Split has been postponed until September 27. “Start strong. Finish stronger.” That’s the tagline for the...

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3 min read

The Power of a Generous Community

The Union Gospel Mission exists because of an extensive community of people like you. People who recognize that they have been blessed and want to...

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Artboard 6 copy

4 min read

2020 Vision: Justice, Mercy and Humility

"He has told you, O man, what is good; a nd what does the Lord require of you, b ut to do justice, to love kindness, a nd to walk humbly with your...

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6 min read

Confessions of a Good Girl

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” – 1 John 1:8. I have pretty much always been a good girl. I grew up...

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4 min read

Breaking Bread at UGM

“Breaking bread – it’s a community thing” – Bethany Kuhn, UGM sous chef. Food is about so much more than food. It symbolizes grace, warmth,...

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4 min read

Loneliness and Isolation

“Humans connect to other humans at so basic a level that when we disconnect, our souls shatter into a thousand little pieces.” – Peter Leithart When...

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4 min read

Love Your Homeless Neighbor

“If we are to love our neighbors, before doing anything else we must see our neighbors. With our imagination as well as our eyes, that is to say like...

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1 min read

Jim and Cheryl Strandy: Investing in Change

“We are firm believers in organizations that take the time to change people’s lives.” – Jim Strandy

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3 min read

We're Celebrating Real People Making Real Change.

Why a fall campaign? This blog post is meant to give you a glimpse behind the fundraising curtain at UGM. As a faith-based, non-profit organization...

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5 min read

Is Housing the Answer to Homelessness?

In her article “Does Poverty Cause Homelessness?” Marchauna Rodgers argued that the United States has misdiagnosed the problem of homelessness,...

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seeking human kindness

4 min read

Christianity and the Debate about Homelessness

With homelessness front and center in the public forum of late, Christians have a strong contribution to make. We believe in some radically...

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Aeriell Heather Kelly Amy running

3 min read

Running on the Road to Recovery

What in the world do running and homelessness have to do with each other? You might be surprised.

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Officer Jake Willard and fellow Officer Dale Wells are only allowed to enforce illegal camping laws when there is shelter space available.

6 min read

Cleaning up Homeless Encampments

The Spokane Police Department is piloting a new approach to dealing with homeless encampments. The idea is to clean up the camps while also offering...

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6 min read

Authenticity in Recovery

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” – I John 1:8 We don’t talk much about sin on the UGM blog - mostly...

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Robert loves working at Berg for his business practicum. He hopes his path leads to working there full-time.

3 min read

Make His Path Straight

Robert Kollenborn, 56, walked out of Geiger Correctional Facility on September 17, 2017, and walked straight to the Union Gospel Mission Men’s...

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3 min read

Renewing Her Mind

Before coming to the UGM Center for Women and Children in Coeur d’Alene, Nikki Downs was in jail. Her infant son had been taken by Child Protective...

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3 min read

Hospitality to Strangers

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. - Hebrews 13:2 Patti...

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Jonathan Bonetti is doing a Spartan ultra race to raise funds and awareness for the Union Gospel Mission.

3 min read

Overcoming Obstacles to Fight Homelessness

Editor's note, July 8, 2019: “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” - Proverbs 16:9 Illness has forced Jonathan to withdraw...

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